Just like that. One day we are mushing 10 miles across our favorite Two Rivers trails and the next day we can barely drive the ATV 4 Wheeler down the driveway due to the mushy melting hard pack. It’s happening fast.

The dogs are still standing on top of several feet of snow. Their houses are popping out of the berms that threatened to fully encompass them during the final blizzard only 2 weeks ago. They seem to enjoy the roof side view of the world this time of year.

Iron and Gold perched a top
Gravy say “Hi!”

The snow around the humans house is holding on as well. But the exit trail from the yard is becoming a pond.

House is still snug in its snow berm
SPK pond. Looking for some hearty Catfish.

We have some large pushed up snow berms nearby that are fun to climb. Perky and Cloud played a fine game of ‘King of the Mountain’ racing off to their day in the front Play Pen.

The primary route to the kennel is Baseline. It was plowed a week ago and now it is the only place a person or dog can walk without post holing deep into the snowy abyss. Kodiak went on a delightful walk yesterday in the sunshine. He seems to be saying “It’s like an afternoon on the beach!

6 Responses

  • Oh dear….I recall what lies beneath that snow in the dog yard….it was pretty darn sloppy when it was graded back in October! Mud season is coming quick to you…enjoy the snow berms while you still have them!

  • Enjoy reading about SP Kennel and your dogs. In comparison, you have more dogs, more things going on than I do but spring is always mud season and now I must wash my kitchen floor for that reason.

  • thanks for the updates. Makes me feel really a part of this even though it is only in my imagination

    • Thanks for the pics and it’s nice to see some dogs and what they are up too! It will all melt in time for sure.

  • Wow – just like that!!! Spring heaves into action!!!

    Glad at least some of the 4-legged team members have the good sense to keep their pretty paws out of the mud – maybe they have figured out a plan: “Hmmm, if my paws are spotless maybe I can make it into the big house?”


    Thanks so much for the update!!!

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