Phase two of the medical testing for the Iditarod dogs occurred yesterday when Dr Rouge from North Pole Vet Clinic came to the kennel to perform physical checks.

Dr Rouge measured weights, temperature, heart and respiratory rates and physically checked for range of movement in joints and limbs, back and neck. There is also attention paid to ears, eyes, nose and teeth and a dogs ‘attitude’ is assessed. The vet checks look for anything that might rule a dog out for racing or that needs attention before they can start such sore wrists or shoulders or any unusual physical anomalies.

Bruno has his heart rate checked
Commando is not so sure where that thermometer is going
Commando saunters by, Violet being weighed and Spark having Quest tags removed from his collar
Violet charms Dr Rouge
Five kisses Karolyn while Clyde photobombs
Champ is smiley

Thanks to Tammy for helping with the checks!

The last phase of pre-race testing occurs immediately prior to the race where random dogs are drug tested via urine testing, and another check on microchip number is performed. Once the race has started there are vets at every checkpoint to ensure any issues are immediately treated and to provide advice and guidance to the mushers along the trail, and random drug testing on the dogs can occur anywhere along the trail, up to four hours after the team finishes the race.

6 Responses

  • Phase II of the Vet Checks…..just to make sure all 4 legged are up to the challenge! Its all about the dogs…a healthy dog on the trail is a happy dog! It has to be difficult to make the cut to 14…so much talented healthy dogs to choose from. Love the dog thoughts along the way….spot on I’m sure!

  • Lol, Margaret, I agree, I think Commando knows exactly where that thermometer is going.
    Hey, we did this last month.

  • Great checks on the dogs is wonderful. Violet knows how to get to a persons heart! Commando
    is funny as he should be used to this by now!

  • For the dogs, this is probably the `Not such a fun day’ part of the Big Race. BUT…….I bet that they were well pampered after the checks. What an awesome group of athletes! Can’t wait for the big start.

  • It was hard enough to choose 16 of these awesome dogs, not sure Aliy how you’re ever going to narrow it to just 14.

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