We will be covering Aliy and her team mates exclusively on the DogLog, as you would expect. For the early part of the race we’ll give a daily updates, increasing in frequency as the race progresses. The Iditarod is different to the Yukon Quest in many, many ways – one of which is that the checkpoints are not on the road system so once we say farewell to the team on Willow Lake we don’t see them again until Nome. That means we will be relying on media reports and tales from previous years to let you know what is going on, to the best of our knowledge.

Check out our Facebook page and Instagram on Saturday from Anchorage and Sunday from Willow Lake, then at the finish line from Nome as we will likely post directly there on those days where possible.

We highly recommend you purchase an “Iditarod Insider” subscription if you can. You will get access to exclusive videos and the GPS tracker, and help support the race at the same time. There are a couple of different subscription options – click here for more information. There will be live streams for Insiders from the Start Banquet, Ceremonial Start, Willow Restart and the Finish in Nome.

The Iditarod website is, in itself, a wealth of useful information. You can read trail notes written by Donald Bowers Jr. by clicking on each leg description, read musher profiles, find out about the Race Rules and keep an eye on the weather on the trail via the Weather Centre. There is also an education portal that is not just for kids! Check it out here.

There are a couple of interesting blogs you can follow – “Eye on the Trail” by Terrie Hanke and the “Teacher on the Trail” by Brian Hickox that will give you a different perspective on the race.

How can you support us?

You can support Aliy and the team by “Joining the Red Team“. We have extended the deadline for all team members to receive a postcard sent from Nome at the end of the trail until Thursday, March 7th so if you join the Red Team now you’ll get a membership certificate and SP Kennel ball cap plus special edition Nome postcard (Note: the postcard will be sent separately from the cap).

You can still Join the Black Team and receive a notebook with your team certificate and we’ll send you a Nome postcard.

All Dog Fan Club members will also receive a postcard from Nome if you join before March 7th. You can choose to support your favourite dog or many dogs and your name will be displayed on your dog’s team card. All dogs have their own fan club, not just those running the race, so you can choose a Golden Harness winner, a retiree, a puppy – or all three!

4 Responses

  • Excellent message! I love the insider and tracker ultimate as you can go back and listen many
    times even after the race. Plus love the fan names posted here on the site and dog fans for Aliy
    as she can do it! Go Aliy and the fantastic SP Dogs!!!!

  • Snow. A good sign.

    Flakes are drifting by my window as I type these words in Weston, CT.

    The last such event is still in evidence, too!!!

    GO RED TEAM!!!

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