What’s that smell?


Have you ever wondered why dogs use their noses to smell everything? A bit of a sniff here and a bit of a sniff there? Humans don’t smell as well as dogs. Why is that? Two of our special dogs, Sparky and Cloud, will help you discover why a dog’s nose is so special.

Learning Objectives

Students will understand that animals receive different types of information through their senses, process the information in their brain, and respond to the information in different ways. Students will learn and identify parts of the olfactory system.

Using Science Standards for Alaska 

  1. Disciplinary Core Idea (DCI)
    1. Life Science
  2. Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs)
    1. Asking questions and defining problems
    2. Developing and using models
  3. Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs)
    1. Cause and Effect
    2. Systems and System Models
    3. Structure and Function


After the lesson.

Additional Resources

Here are links related to this lesson.

“Your dog’s amazing nose.”

How Your Dog’s Nose Knows So Much | Deep Look