We thought we would let you know about a few more dogs that have moved house and retired from SP Kennel. Dog retirement is bittersweet for the humans of SP Kennel but the dogs are all very happy in their new lives. Read more about our dog retirement philosophy in this post or our About The Dogs page (click links), or type ‘retire’ in the search box on the top right and see all our retirement stories.
Media darling and fan favorite, Violet, has gone to California to live with her biggest fan and sponsor Becky. Violet is a supremely talented sled dog having raced in six Iditarods, three Yukon Quests and a multitude of mid-distance races. She is a Quest Champion, having won with a bunch of her siblings and cousins in 2018. Whilst being an incredible race dog, she is also an overtly friendly, outgoing dog – “a shamless entertainer” as Aliy describes her. We will miss Violet but we’re very happy for both her and Becky as they start their new lives together.
Here’s what Becky has said about Vi: I have been in disbelief at what an easy adoption Violet has been. She has been abosolultely nothing but a blessing. She has already been an asset for love and healing on the Central Coast of California. She has met so many people and it doesn’t matter if they are family, friends or strangers Violet approaches them all with love, healing and affection. Everyone adores her here. Every day is exciting to her, and she makes it exciting for us. She is super playful and makes us laugh hard when she gets goofy. She truly seems to enjoy making me laugh. When it’s time to chill inside she is total calm, she it’s time to play she is charged. I can never thank Aliy and Allen enough for Violet.
Bill and Jefe
Allen’s daughter Bridgett has her own kennel and will be racing in the Iditarod this year. She will have Bill and Jefe at her kennel to help! They are still in a racing frame of mind and will enjoy continuing their sled dog careers with Bridgett, Scotty, Timber and River.
Dr Bill (above) is still a youngster and has his best racing years ahead of him. With genes like his he is bound to make an impression wherever he goes. Go well Dr Bill, we will enjoy watching your progress!
Jefe was not ready to retire from training and racing and he will be an asset to any team he runs with. He’s a strong, talented sled dog and loves to run. We’ll be watching you big guy!
Nomex is not too far away from SP Kennel as he is now living with Padee, who sometimes watches over the kennel if Aliy and Allen are away. He is enjoying one-on-one time with his new person and hanging out with his kennel buddies often. Nomex’s new favorites are: ice cream and gardening. Perfect summer combo. Enjoy the LVE Nomex! You deserve it.
Hi Aliy and Allen,
Thanks for your latest update and hope that you and the dogs are all well.
Just wanted to check in and remind you that there is always a place for you to stay in Anchorage at my home here. Nice guest room with its own private bath, and of course you will be well fed too,
Wishing you all the best and keep in touch,
Margieb and Yukon, my rescue 15-year-old husky from the Bethel area, who is doing fine on a doggie diet powered by sockeye salmon.
So happy to see more dogs living their best NEW lives!
Thanks so much for the pupdates! I feel like all these dogs are my friends, and it’s wonderful to keep up with their lives and know they’re happy, healthy, and in loving homes. May God bless all humans and pups connected with SPK!
Congratulations to Violet, Becky, Nomex, Padee, Bridgett and Bill and Jefe! We will be excited to cheer for Bridget and her team in Iditarod next year!
Awesome news that Bridgett will be racing her team in the Iditarod and have Jefe and Dr. Bill pulling for her!!!
Thanks so much for all the news, love always,
Margaret Wirtenberg
Thank you Aliy and Allen!
We are all having so much fun.
Always love hearing the “retirement” stories and seeing pictures of them. They all look fabulous. Thanks for sharing.
Just got back from vacation and internet to see this beautiful story. While I was hoping Violet would stay at SPK
I am so-o-o ” HAPPY” she went to Becky, the love of her life! Hugs to Violet, Becky! Pictures are so wonderful!
Congrats to everyone for their new members to family. Allen & Aliy make great decisions!