Greetings! Here in Two Rivers, we are doing our best to put aside our “Go Go Go” lifestyle and enjoy the moment. Sometimes we are successful and sometimes… not so much.
We continue to do our best to be healthy and happy: both the humans and dogs.
Allen is running or biking most days, with at least one dog. He has readied the kennel for another summer: set up pumps in the yard during muddy break up, removed traveling dog boxes from our trucks, turned all our winter vehicles into summer vehicles (tires, oil, camper top, etc) or stored them away, set up an evacuation trailer (just in case), sorted thru winter this and that. It’s always amazing to convert from winter boots to mud boots to regular shoes.
As for me… I can now say that after 2 1/2 months, my road of recovery is going quite well. My head trauma took time and rest. I did very little for a long time. But as of today, I can honestly say that I am doing my normal summer activities without pain or confusion. It’s nice when your sister tells you: “It’s good to have you back.”
At the end of April, I got GREEN lights from my “Head Doc” and my “Arm Doc” to start physical therapy. I didn’t use my right arm very much for 7 weeks after my Iditarod crash (nor had I done much activity at all) so it was a slow process in the beginning. By following my Physical Therapist’s directives, as well as having several key OMM body manipulations (thanks Todd), my body is getting back on track. In the beginning, I started out in the “Holy Cow! constant pain phase” and soon moved onto the “Ouch! severe random pain phase” but am now comfortably residing in the “Ohhhh! stiff and sore phase” of my rehab. [Note: These are my own personal PT terms. If you are going thru PT you might even recognize them or have some of your own.] It’s June 1st and I will continue to improve until I am “back to normal”. Cool, huh?
The dogs. We updated you on some of the new homes that a few of the SPK pooches have gone to already. There are still 15 sled dogs here in Two Rivers. Of course, we are never in a hurry to rehome anyone. When the time is correct, the time is correct. Of the 15 dogs here, six of them already have forever homes: Violet doesn’t leave until mid June, Chevie and Five don’t leave until early August and Jefe, Bill and Razz are waiting for the perfect time to go to their new home later this summer. As is Peach. Both Scooby and Rodney needed minor North Pole Vet Hospital visits during this post season. Scooby is now 100% and Rodney, who had splinter in his paw, is way ahead of me as far as physical therapy goes. Those two boys may have new homes in the future – I haven’t decided yet. It’s a work in progress.
Nevertheless, each and every dog who is here at SPK this summer needs: food, fun and entertainment. The four Play Pens on the property are a great way for everyone to have a good time. We rotate the pens with in pairs or by individual dog (those who are more self entertaining.) We have a large supply of beef knuckle bones for their amusement and pleasure (thanks to Lisa McDonald). And that way everyone’s teeth stay clean and shiny.actually
The dogs need to run around and stretch their legs daily. I am now feeling up to taking small groups of dogs on a mile or so walk. I videoed the first walk of the summer. I took Mismo, Dutch, Commando and Ziptie. I had hoped to take Chipper since it was her birthday but she played the day away in a Play Pen with her BFF, Jefe.
Scout and Nacho are the old men of SPK. Scout acts the grumpy ole Uncle and Nacho is Grandpa. Both of them can have the run of the property but at their age, they also need supervision. (Scout needs supervision just because he’s a grump.) Nacho turns 15 years old in twelve days. He’s always been a happy guy. He is no different today. I admire him. And… just like you and me, he will continue to live the best life that he can, hopefully for a long time. You, me and Nacho will never know what’s around the next bend in the trail until we get there. And how exciting is that?
Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me. I feel almost like my self again.
I’m so glad to hear you sounding like your self again.
Thank you for bringing everyone up to date.
Been thinking of you often and hoping for the best.
I love this post and am so happy to hear that you are healing well, Aliy.
Seeing the photos of the dogs in harness is bittersweet, especially seeing Nacho surrounded by his sisters Quito and Chica. What a tremendous life he has had and his legacy will live on in his many descendants. Wedgy sends a Happy Early Birthday to her Uncle Nacho!
Thx for the update. Glad yer healin up. Hope your guys summer is awesome.
I am so glad to know you’re on the mend in a way that works for you. My kids were so worried about you. Knowing you, the healing will be ahead of schedule and your retirement with Allen will be a great place to be.
So glad to hear you’re continuing to heal, Aliy. It’s good to see you outside and on walks with the dogs.
I can relate to some of those PT expletives! The “Aliy Positive Attitude” shows through in your writing. You’re a PT’s dream patient since you know how train. Enjoy your summer with Allen.
Hi Aliy & Allen!
. Allen you sound like you haven’t slowed down since retiring! I can almost picture how you have gotten everything in tip top shape for summer the way Aliy described it! I am trying to decide is it is time for me to retire from Iditarod now, too? I can hardly imagin it without you two and your SPK doggies there! Time will tell. Don’t think I can ever be as excited as I was cheering on you guys, though. Just so thrilled that I made the trip to see you both come into Nome in 2017! I still remember the excitement of us shouting our lungs our for you both and seeing you Aliy put your hand up to your heart! So cool to meet you both and get pics with you at the meet the mushers and sit near you at the Musher Banquet hearing you both talk! I made a Shutterfly book of wonderful memories with tons of pictures of you both!
So nice to hear that you Aliy are feeling so much better! Boy you gave us such a scare!
Thank you for the great way you have both been with fans allowing us to sense your love and kindness!
Do take it easy and enjoy some of this retirement time together! I hope we’ll still hear from you from time to time as you mean a lot to my hubby Lee and me!
Love, hugs and blessings to you and yours, Marji Venden, Walla Walla, WA
Thank you, Aliy, for the SPKennel update. It’s such a positive one!! Before Five hits the trail to his new life, please give him a hug & a kiss from me. I will miss him. My thanks to you & Allen for sharing so much of your dog-centered life. You were truly ambassadors for your sport. I looked forward to racing season because of you.
Wishing you a happy & healthy retirement, Barbara Boucher
Soooo good to hear your voice and the smile that delivers it. Healing takes time doesn’t it? Like the universe is telling us to slow down and recognize what’s around us. Hmmmm. Ol Nacho almost looked like he was tippy toeing through the grass feeling every step.
Love your stories! So happy you are feeling better!
Aliy, I’m thrilled to finally see a post from you. So happy your recovery is going as well as can be expected. Thank you so much for your inspiration and unfailing cheer through life’s ups & downs, all through the years. You’ve earned a return to a nice quiet, private life. Well done.
Hi Aliy and SPK gang!
So good to hear the mending cycle is moving along and at a (more or less) steady pace! Hoping al the best for for you, Allen and doggies for a wonderful summer, and again – thank you for all you have done to make the Last Great Race such a “Looking forward to..” race!
Happy summer!
So glad to hear that you are doing better! Hopefully, progress will come along faster and faster. Have the best possible summer with the wonderful dogs.
Thanks for checking in…been wondering how the healing is going and super glad to hear its all going in the right direction! Dog walks and knuckle bones….sounds like the perfect way to bring in the spring at SPK! LOVED seeing Nacho out and about….such a sweet boy! Sounds like pain is part of the healing when it comes to muscles and tendons….at least its more of a soreness now….patience and persistence will pay off….glad you are seeing results….keep up the good work!
Hello! I was just thinking of you as I was getting ready for work this morning. So happy to hear that you are “almost” there. Please give Five a hug from his Straw Lady as you send him off to live his forever future. Wishing all of you the best.
The Straw Ladies
This was the update we have been waiting for! We needed to hear it from you, that you are feeling yourself again.
As caregiver to a spouse with a brain injury, I know that head trauma can be unpredictable and sometimes slow to heal. I have been worried about you.
I loved the updates on the dogs!
Thank you so much for sharing with us!
So glad your slowly improving. I can relate to the PT terms. I wonder who is/was more vocal during PT you or I??
Keep pushing on and know we are keeping you and Allen in our thoughts and prayers.
give the pups a hug from their Colorado fans.
Stay safe.
mark g
So happy you are on the mend and feeling better Aily! Have a great summer!
I enjoyed reading that you’re recovering well and enjoying June days with your dogs. There’s much to do at SP Kennel as the seasons change. Thankfully, Allen is up to the work.
So glad to hear that you, Allen, and the pups are all doing well. Know you will continue to do the work to get better and better every day. Glad you can enjoy summer with the pups AND decent health. Take care!
I am SO happy to hear your voice and see through it a smile and an I’m getting better ring in it! From my years in radio I know you CAN hear a smile. For years you have been my heroine. In my opinion, you ARE the epitome of a Lady, Sportsman, Competitor, Promoter, Role Model and Champion! I cried my eyes out when you announced you were retiring and cried my heart out when you got hurt ESPECIALLY since it took forever to learn what happened to you and how badly you were injured and later, how you were doing. I get a lump in my throat every time you mention who of the “team” has moved on to a new life. I know I’d give Mismo a home in a heartbeat!! I’m really going to miss you my Friend. It just won’t be the same without you! I have several hundred loyal folks that follow me following you! Staunch Aliy Fans for sure! We Love you Aliy and Allen too. The field will lack luster without Big Red and Big Black in the mix. May the good Lord hold you both in the palm of His hand and shower you with bounty full blessings of health, happiness and and endless love! <3
Woohoo! It sounds like you are making wonderful progress Aliy.
Scooby, what a goofball. lol
Nacho, you’re an inspiration.
Thank you for this wonderful upbeat update.
I agree with so many thoughts expressed above. You are both so appreciated.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Hugs to Violet. <3
This email just warms my heart. It was great to read your always honest and positive words. I loved the updates on all the pups, and the videos were such a joy. The best part – hearing you sound just like YOU!! Please keep us posted on you and your health….and all your human and canine family bc you have somehow let us into your lives so we feel like family, too. Sending love and blessings from Tennessee

I hated PT until my 81-year-old body began to love it!! And I discovered CBD and the pain went completely away!! Who knew!! Now PT is just maintenance that I will keep at because it is so good.
Blessed be Aliy and family, peace.
It’s so good to hear you are mostly healed and it’s good to “have you back”, as your sister said. The body really wants to heal, it just takes time sometimes. Sweet, sweet Nacho. How special it must be to still have him around. Love the pictures captioned “out for a stroll”. That’s quite a stroll! And yes, It is so true that a person never really knows what is around the corner. Change is a constant in this life! Have a happy Summer, enjoy life, enjoy family, enjoy the dogs you have as long as you have them. You are already good at that, though.
Great to hear your voice, Aliy. So glad that your healing is coming along so well. Love seeing the dogs on video too!
“May you stay forever young”Bob Dylan
Read the Lyrics. It’s about you!
Great report and so wonderful to hear your “voice” again!!! I have kept a website page on SP Kennel for years, and this is the link:
Such a wonderful coupe and such lovely four-legged kids – all my best to Allen too!!! “Enjoy every day” has been my mantra for years…
Best always.
Margaret Wirtenberg
Aliy: Glad to hear you are continuing to make progress towards “normal” health. Most of all we want to express our appreciation to you and Allen for signing the hats for us and sending the posters. It is truly awesome that you would do that for two old folks you have never met. We will continue to follow your recovery and the Iditarod but will miss your entry after 21 years. You will be forever special “good people” as we used to say around the farm in Iowa 80 plus years ago. Our very best to both of you in your retirement. Love you so!
So good to hear the news of your progress Aliy! You and Allen are just the best keeping us up to date.
The dogs look so GREAT as usual!
Best Wishes Going Your Way!!!
Thank you for letting us know how you are doing. So thankful you are healthy again!! Blessings to you in your retirement. You deserve it but I sure am going to miss watching you every year.
Thanks for the update. It’s good reading that you’re in much better shape and working at retirement! Most things in life take time to accomplish! You appear to be doing that with grace and good humor.