This is Aliy.

It’s been one week since I crashed my dog sled about 5 miles out of the Rohn checkpoint on the Tatina River. My crash, and subsequent injuries, happened on an icy section of trail just past Dalzell Gorge. My sled flipped and I remember a very hard impact to my head, seeing black and then severe pain on my right arm and shoulder. Anna Berington was just behind me. I don’t know if she saw my fall. All I remember thinking was I had to get to Rohn. I couldn’t use my arm and I began vomiting.

I arrived at the Checkpoint and the Iditarod volunteers were a godsend. They took over the care of my dogs and me. That time is a bit hazy in my mind but I think I curled up on a bunk. I do remember there being a dog inside the cabin with me that veterinarians were caring for. I heard them talking about various medications, treatments and that they thought the dog might need to be medivaced. At some point, they told me a helicopter was coming to get me and then I thought maybe there hadn’t been a dog. But I think there was.

I was flown to Providence Hospital in Anchorage. Allen got there soon after. Honestly, I was drugged and dazed for about 48 hours, so it’s not all clear to me. I had scans, x-rays, an MRI. To my surprise, my head injury was more concerning than my shoulder/arm injury. I do not need any surgeries.

I’ve been home in Two Rivers since leaving the hospital. My head injury doesn’t react well to light or sound so I don’t do much. Allen has recited the Iditarod play by play to me. I haven’t looked at a computer or phone (that’s a lie…I couldn’t help but watch the live feed of Dallas and Aaron in Skwentna last night.) But on the plus side, I can walk and talk and I started eating better yesterday. I’d say I’m on the mend. I haven’t been outside yet. Hopefully soon.

Thank you all for your messages of love and support.

Photo taken at the start of Iditarod 49

100 Responses

  • Aliy, I am so glad you are on the mend. Please take your time and be kind to yourself as you heal. And afterwards, too!

    Thank you for all the years. Your skill, dedication, empathy and drive are unparalleled, as is your sportsmanship. You’ve set the bar high because you are the real deal and a class act. I really appreciate your comments in the women’s pre-race panel with Dee Dee and Libby, particularly those about how not all young girls are raised to know that they are powerful. You have been such a great role model to so many.

    You are in my thoughts as you recover. I hope it is fast and complete so you can begin to enjoy retirement from racing and turn to your next adventure. I am wishing you and Allen all the best and only the best kinds of challenges.
    P.S. I know it is weird to call people I’ve never met by their first names. Thanks for always making your fans feel like we can do that.

    • I’m glad you are recovering, Aliy. Please take care and let your brain heal cautiously. (My granddaughter suffered severe concussions as a cheerleader so we know what that’s like.) I hope your dogs are all ok too. Perhaps one more Iditarod before retirement? Whatever you choose, you are an inspiration!! Wishing you and your pups a healthy recovery from Seattle. hugs.

    • Glad you are on the mend. Scrambled brains often do not like light. Bet the fuzzy nurses n docs are taking good care of you. Allen included!!!
      Healing vibes your way cometh!!
      Rest n relax.

    • Fuerza Aily! Los mejores deseos y pronta recuperacion desde Buenos Aires, Argentina!

    • Aliy, So glad to hear you are on the mend 🙂 Been thinking a lot about you. If Allen or you need Anything please reach out to me, as I just live next door 🙂 Take it slow and heal.

    • I am so very happy and relieved that you on the mend. Your team is home & good. Keep resting. As we know rest, fluids, nutrition and again rest are what you need. But that’s easier said than done. It’s been an utter joy watching you race. Your enthusiasm. Your dedication. Your love & joy of your dogs. Please don’t be silent. Keep us posted. Continued prayers & love for you.

    • Aliy, I met you on the trail (as a trail vet) several years ago and have followed your exploits.

      You are a class act. Heal well.
      And there probably was a dog also.

    • Ally, I am so happy to read this post knowing you are on the mend. Please take care and continue to heal. You are a true example to so many and you are in everyone’s thoughts and prayers. Hoping for a speedy recovery 🙏🏻💖

    • Ali I have never met you but I have rooted for you since you came in just seconds after Dallas ! Thanks for all the years of excitement! I have prayed for you too! Hope the next chapter of your life this is exciting as the first.

  • Thank you for this update, Aliy, I’m sure many will appreciate hearing from you. So sorry this happened, obviously, but I can tell you that your many, many admiring fans hold you in higher regard than ever, and are deeply encouraged that you’re going to be ok out of all this.

    I can also tell you, from experience, that concussion injuries can be alarming, but that if brain swelling is not a problem (and with your injury, this was not the case), time will correct symptoms. I’ve transported many head injury patients in my own helicopters, and I once experienced a concussion which produced a coma status for quite a few hours. I recovered from that incident within a couple of weeks, and was back on FAA approved flight status within six months.

    Please just take it easy for awhile, and don’t force any activity that does not feel comfortable. And please keep us, your supporters forever, updated as you are able.

    • Dear Aliy- I sled my small team of 6 out here in western Massachusetts. I have followed your successes for years and you’ve been an inspiration.
      This obviously isn’t how you thought your last race would end… life has a way of doing that to each of us at one time or another. Thank goodness the injuries will heal. Hug your pups and enjoy the fact that you are mending! No looking back.
      Best wishes to you and your kennel- Jan

  • So happy to hear you are slowly mending Aliy. Take it easy and rest your poor beat up body. I am thankful for the Alaska Air Guard Rescue Squadron that rescued you by helicopter! They are a fine humble group that I have a personal connection to ❤️ 👍. Best wishes for continued healing and happiness

  • I’m so glad to hear your doing better. A lot of people are very worried about you, me being one of them. Your a great lady. Saying many of prayers for a fast recovery. Take care 🐾🤗🐾

    • Aliy, I’m sincerely grateful and happy to read in your own words that you are on the mend after suffering injuries in the accident. Wishing you all the best in whatever venture you decide upon next, in retirement from competitive mushing. I was routing for you to win the Iditarod all those years. Thanks for all your efforts and giving us fans exciting races to follow, especially 2012/13 and 14 and of course your Yukon Quest Championship win! Get well soon. I and many, many others look forward to your complete recovery from your injuries and seeing you prosper once again.

  • Aliy, thank you so much for letting us know you are on the mend. You remain in my thoughts and prayers. I know you are in good hands!

  • A message from Aliy!! Thank you so much! Wow, you got your sled upright and dogs lined out with the use of one hand and arm, while suffering from a concussion and throwing up, in acute pain. Then traveled 5 miles to the checkpoint. You are the hero/winner of this Iditarod. You got yourself and the dogs to the checkpoint. What you are teaching, especially during this time, is worth much more than gold or awards. You make the world a better place.

    • Thank you Aliy for the update. I have been thinking of you often as I watch the race. I have enjoyed following you the past few years since I took up following the Iditarod. I hope you have a quick and full recovery. Get lots of rest….concussions can take their time.

    • I was saddened to hear of your accident. I have had several concussions and the recovery is not a walk in the park, but you have what it takes to get through this! Don’t push too hard and be patient with yourself and others. Get well and prepare for your next fun adventure.

  • As always Aliy, you are one class act. Please take your time getting back to 100% and I hope you know there are many people out there who are thinking of you. Kia kaha

  • Praying you heal up 💯%!
    Yes head injuries are serious
    So complete heal Lord God,
    Thank You
    Over the years I’ve seen the children flock around You. Kids know how great of a person you are. Thank you for that friendly Alaskan spirit over the years, we’ll never know the extent of inspiring our youth as you did!

  • Thank you for the update, Aliy. This must have been a tremendously scary time for you. So happy that you and the dogs are home, that you won’t require surgery, and that you have Allen there to take care of you. Take all the time you need to heal your brain; be kind with yourself. Thank you for all the years of enjoyment you’ve given us. You have been a wonderful ambassador for the sport and a great advocate for the culture of running sled dogs. Enjoy your retirement.

  • So glad to hear you are on the mend! I’m sure you’ll be back to 100% in no time!

  • Aliy,
    Glad to hear you’re on the mend. I had a very similar concussion, photo sensitivity was awful. It took 8 weeks to go completely. Fluorescent lights were the worst, stay away from them.
    Be kind to yourself, rest and don’t beat yourself up for doing nothing for a while.
    Take care..

  • Your outward smile reflects your inward warmth and truly lights up our world. We all can smile now that we have heard from you in person.
    I had a concussion on December 21, 2020, and have the “Harriet Potter” scar on my forehead as a permanent reminder. I’m still crying out of the blue for no reason, and remember nothing of my face plant. Aliy, I echo all the advice you are getting to monitor and manage your own health as if you were one of your own dogs. There can’t be a higher standard of care.
    Hugging you, Allen, your dogs, and all your support team in my heart.

  • Dear Aliy we are very pleased that you are slowly on the mend . Just take it slow and easy it will be worth it in the long run.
    I would like to thank you Aliy, Allen and all the SP Kennel crew for the effort you have made to connect with your very wide fan base. Living in Melbourne, Australia it’s only through the Iditarod insider and SK Kennel site that we can get to appreciate the effort and care that goes into a kennel such as yours and the race itself. I will wish you and Allen all the best what ever the next path in your lives take. May dogs still form some part in that .
    One request when you are up to it, could you give all the doggies a farewell cuddle from me , especially Jefe . My Golden Retriever Denali also sends a big woof .
    Love and Best wishes From Joanne Bechaz, Philip and Denali ❤️🖤🐾🐾

  • So glad to hear you are on the mend….what a relief! It’s hard to still your mind to let it heal but it sounds like you are making progress….keep up the good work!

  • So thankful to hear your update. Be patient and let your bod recuperate. I’m sorry this happened to you.

  • I’m so glad you’re on the mend. What a scary trip! But hey, if you are going to make it your last run, make it memorable! You’ve been a favorite of so many people and will continue to be. What a great example of sportsmanship, dogcare, and having fun! Enjoy your time at home.

  • It is very good to hear from you Aliy! Thank you! Take the time to heal, but it sounds like your body is making you take that time, and that’s a good thing. Listen to it. Rest well, heal well Aliy. Continued prayers as you recover.

  • You remain in our thoughts and prayers. So grateful to hear of your continuing recovery. Yes it will be a slow recovery. Head injuries are. Gift yourself with the same patience you would with your precious team. Let Allen continue to care for you, even spoil you a little. 😉 Praying that this will be a very special time for you as you reflect back on it someday. This chapter is not closing how anyone would’ve ever written. But you continue to exude the poise & grace you’re respected for. Praying blessings & a thorough recovery.

  • Dearest Best Musher Mama, You are brave. You are strong. You are the best Musher Mama ever! The world has watched your strength and your love. You are a bright light to dogs and children around the world. You exemplify the best that there is in your sport! Here’s to your healing and your happiness going forward. #1 in our books. Deb

  • Aliy, best wishes for a full and speedy recovery. Over the years you have been a fine example of decency, humility, tenacity, bravery and consistency. You are modeling the way.

    Take good care of yourself. Enjoy your next chapter. Sad that your last Iditarod did not end in Nome with rings of roses around you and your leaders, but happy you’re alive.

    All my best always.

  • Aliy,
    Thank you for the update. I’m very glad you are healing and feeling better. I will miss seeing you race in the future, but I hope you enjoy your retirement. You are my favorite musher and I wish you well in the years to come.

    I ordered a ball cap from Iditarod store with your bib number on it because are the greatest and most inspiring person I’ve known! 🙂

  • Aliy you are such a treasure. I pray for God’s healing hand on you. Three “P”s: Patience, Perseverance and Prayer.

  • I was thrilled to see a message directly from you…what an unfortunate accident. You have been engaged in a perilous sport these many years. Thank you for your daring, courage, and sportsmanship. All the best for a full and rapid recovery.

  • Aliy, I’ll add my comment of glad to hear from you and that you are taking it slow. Even if you’re nature doesn’t want to! I’ll also add to the P’s…progress not perfection. Healing takes time.

  • Thank you so much for your update. It is good to hear you are healing! Continued thoughts and prayers for a full recovery!

  • Aliy, I believe that I can speak for all of us ( your fans) to say we are so happy to hear the update that you are slowly on the mend . Take your time to recover and let Allen pamper you a bit; you definitely deserve it. We are all so proud of you and want nothing but the best for you today and always. It was you that got me into following dog mushing and the idiatrod. You are inspiring in every way and such a great role model for up and coming mushers. Know that you will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers and are adored and loved ❣️❣️❣️

  • That you for the update. Very glad that you are on the mend. Don’t push it too hard. You need the time to heal. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

  • Aliy, I believe that I can speak for all of us ( your fans) to say we are so happy to hear the update that you are slowly on the mend . Take your time to recover and let Allen pamper you a bit; you definitely deserve it. We are all so proud of you and want nothing but the best for you today and always. It was you that got me into following dog mushing and the idiatrod. You are inspiring in every way and such a great role model for up and coming mushers. Know that you will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers and are loved ❣️❣️❣️

  • Best wishes for fast healing and return to health!! It was great to see you and Decaf at Deshka – take care of yourself.

  • Our thoughts and best wishes for a healthy recovery. We know you are well cared for by Allen and all at SPKENNEL. We hope all the dogs get a parade through the house to medicine for everyone. Allen can clean up the mess.. 😂😂
    All our thoughts and love.

  • Aliy, I am so thankful yhat you are on the mend. DO NOT OVER DO YOUR RECOVERY AND HEALING. You are such an inspirstion & encourager . Blessings & prayers.

  • Thanks for the update Aliy. I’ve been so worried about you. Continue to take it easy. I’m sure Allen’s been a Godsend. Don’t rush going outside. I’m certain there’s not a dog in the dog yard that won’t gladly come to you- on the couch! Keep healing-day by day. Take care.

  • I’m so sorry this is how your career ended. Thank you for taking the time to tell us, a bunch of strangers, that you’re ok. Now I hope you can focus on your recovery so you can enjoy your retirement!

  • This is Aliy. I thanked God immediately when I saw the words. We who live all over the world and follow your kennel and your life example – we really wanted to hear from you and about you. Sounds like it was a nasty crash, and God helped you function and get your dogs and yourself to Rohn. So very thankful for all the race folks who got you safely to a hospital with Allen and then who got the pups safely home. “Resting inside” probably is not in your habitual nature. May you do it peacefully so you can heal well! I assume that dog visits and coffee are parts of your treatment program. We love you and respect you. You’ll always be my favorite musher.

  • So glad you are on the mend. Keep taking it one day at a time. Know I am thinking good thoughts for continued healing.

  • It was good to hear it all directly from you Aliy. I’m sure I’m not the only one that has been worried. Take as long as you need to heal (sounds like you don’t have a choice with the light affecting you), but I’m sure the dogs will be waiting for you when you’re ready to go outside! I’m sure they miss you as much as all your fans do! It just doesn’t feel like an Iditarod without you! Yes, I watched it, but didn’t care nearly as much without you in it. Take care!

  • I sincerely hope that you can feel the love and prayers coming from all of us.

    As much as I have rooted for you to win over the years, my hopes and prayers for your full recovery and good health are a trillion times that.

    You are such a bright light in this world! Continuing my prayers that you are soon back to 100% and enjoying your family (two-legged and four-legged) again soon.

  • Aliy (and Allen), Thank you so much for posting the update. I’m absolutely heartbroken for how your last race ended and so sorry you had to go through such an ordeal, but I’m happy it wasn’t worse. Please know how much you are cared for by mushing fans and that we all wish you nothing but the best.

    We are thrilled to hear you are on the mend and praying for a speedy and full recovery for you.

  • So glad you hear you are in the mend Aliy. Prayers for you as you heal.
    You have shown the world that it’s possible to dig deep and overcome the obstacles in front of you, no matter how hard or painful. Thank you for being an inspiration to me. You have touched so many lives. You were and will be greatly missed in the Iditarod trail, but I know that you will do great things in the future. Blessings to you.

  • I hope ,in time, you´ll reconcider your retirement and do it properly next year. We can´t think of the Iditarod happening without you. One more go before you GO!
    Thank you for sharing and representing the sport in such an upright ,honest way

  • I’m so glad your doing better please take it slow so you can fully heal . Keep The Faith

  • So, SO happy to hear you’re on the mend! Head injuries are no joke, so I’m glad you’re taking it easy and have been well taken care of 💜
    Take all the time you need, get lots of rest, let everyone take care of you, and get some dog cuddles if you can (I know how healing those can be) Take ultra, super duper good care of YOU.
    Sending you all sorts of love and healing all the way from Kansas. 💜💜💜

  • Aliy, I am so sorry you weren’t able to stand at the finish line with Dallas. That would have been such a perfect ending for such a storied career. Even so you have accomplished something that probably no one will accomplish again with as many Iditarod races in which you have participated. Please know that there are lots of people who are wishing you good health and a quick recovery. I so admire your strength and courage in what you have accomplished.

    • Dear Aily,
      We’re all so grateful for the update and that you’re on the mend. Being the athlete you are the hardest part will be the patience to take it slow, follow doctors’ instructions, and to mend on your body’s schedule not on the one you think should be happening. When they say rest and eat well just do it. It’s not a luxury, it’s a necessity. Do stay off electronics. They brain needs time away from the light and the focus required. After my bad concussion (teach skating and an out of control kid took me out from behind) my neurologist insisted I eat regular meals and also lots of extra carbs. Food is for your body, extra carbs help heal the brain faster. Take it slow and steady and you will win this recovery run. All the best to you, the dogs, Allan.

  • Aily, I am so happy to hear that you are on the mend. I have had you in my thoughts and prayers ever since I heard of your accident. My students and I have followed you for many years now, and you are always a favorite for us to follow. My students have learned so much from your Aily cams and other videos explaining things about dog mushing. You are an extraordinary young woman. I look forward to hearing what your next chapter in live will be. I wish you and Allen all the best. For now take care of yourself. Best wishes from East Tennessee

  • Thank you for this reassuring message, Aliy. I am among the countless people around the world being concerned about you and so hoping for your quick, full recovery. I’m in Maryland and approaching 80, but you are such an inspiration for this old lady. Our world did a good thing when it made you and you followed your heart into a life with your family and dogs.

  • Aliy, It’s wonderful to hear your words. Once again you impress us. With a serious concussion and a dislocated shoulder you managed to keep your team and get them safely into Rohn. I am so sorry you suffered such a serious crash. We’re in prayer that your head, shoulder, and parts you may not be noticing, will heal completely and quickly. I’m thankful to hear that you are able to eat better. I hope you’ll soon feel good enough to get outside and look at a computer without discomfort. Thank you Allen for taking such great care of Aliy and her team. Thank you to everyone from the trail who cared for them. Thanks especially to the team at Rohn, the 210th Rescue Squadron and those at Providence Hospital, who gave Aliy the care she needed.
    We LOVE you!

    • We’re happy to see Aliy writing/ dictating her message to all of her very concerned followers. We were so shocked when we initially heard of your incident, that we all felt a giant emptieness in the pits of our stomachs. We are so glad that all of the right people were in place to evacuate you out to a trauma center. We read today, that a Army Black Hawk crew airlifted you out from Rohn. God was and still is watching out for you. We will continue to send our prayers your way, and know that it will be tough to keep you down. You are our SUPER HERO.

  • Jesus heals, and this is the verse I keep praying over you…..
    “The is what the Lord, the God of your father David, says: ‘I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you. ‘” “Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.” “And the people all tried to touch him, because power was coming from him and healing them all.”
    Full recovery Aliy……

  • Goodness gracious, you’re one tough lady! We’ll be praying for your speedy recovery and thank God that you don’t need surgery.

    Concussions heal best (and fastest) if you follow doctor’s orders and eliminate light, sound, and screens. ‘Toughing it out’ and resuming activity too soon can make symptoms worse and prolong recovery. So, put your feet up and stay away from those screens! 🤪🛌😴

    We’ll be praying for infinite patience for you (and Allen) as you transition to a (temporary) sedentary lifestyle!! Take care and get better soon.

    Much love & prayers 🙏🙏🙏,

    Dan and Heather (Kelley) Henck

  • My heart has been with you over the years, Aliy and I have been blessed to know of your life events and your dogs. You and Allen are a special couple and it has been my joy to follow your life events. I clearly remember your videos of the liter when 4 pups died. I felt your pain and rejoiced when you found a cure for the 5 who survived. In that liter I fell in love with Rodney and have followed his antics. All your dogs are special and I have cared about them all. But most of all I admire you. All the posts preceding mine have said what I also feel. May God bless you always.

  • I was heartbroken that your final Iditarod ended in such a fashion. I am happy to see a report directly from you that indicates you are on the mend. Go slow! Heal fully! I suspect that the going slow part will soon be difficult for you.
    Take the utmost care!

  • I have told the story of you learning to mush dogs in Bettles proudly many times, I have rooted for you each year. It’s bittersweet to see you retire, I know it is a healthy choice however I will miss rooting for you. I’m happy you’re recovering at home, and appreciate the update!

  • I pray a rapid recovery for you. I had property in Two Rivers many years ago with a trail that connected to the YQ trail. Beautiful birch trees. I miss mushing dogs so much. I know you had planned to retire from distance mushing but I know you will have your dogs working somewhere and Two Rivers is the perfect place. Het well soon.

  • Thanks for posting a health update. Many with me have been worried about you.
    Wish you speedy recovery, but please take it easy.
    The Iditarod is not the same when you’re not in it. 2014, will never forget that one. You sure are a though by yet gracious lady!
    Take care and all the best for your future adventures.

  • So glad you are on the mend. We are devastated at your accident and dashed hopes for this, maybe your last Iditarod. Keep us updated please when you can. We’re all rooting for you!

  • Am so glad to hear you are mending, Aliy. Am sure you are feeling a bit better knowing the your Trail Pups are back home safely. I am looking forward to hearing any progress reports you wish to share, and I am sure in time the sensitivities will tone down enough for you to venture out. For now just rest – a head injury is – as you know -takes time to recover from.
    Best wishes to you and the whole team (that means Tom and gang!)…
    Cheers from Jesup, GA!

  • Take care of you! Could tell from the video of you headed to the chopper that you’d had a really nasty head blow. Concussions are awful- it’s no wonder that you don’t remember a lot. It’s good that you’re not asking much of yourself and are staying away from screen time. It needs time to heal. You’ve been in my thoughts. Good to hear from you.

  • Iam so very grateful that your injuries were not worse. Take care of yourself give your body the time it needs to heal. Thank you for the years of racing. You will always have a fan in me. You are my inspiration. I know that may sound wierd coming from a 59 year old woman but it is true. Thank you and God Bless And keep you.

  • Oh so great to hear from you directly Aliy and that your feeling well enough to share the challenging event with us right now. I am hoping that Moira or someone else did all the typing after reading Becky’s comment about shoulder dislocation. How incredible getting back up and on that sled with a concussion and continue to direct your team back into Rohn. Whew! We will be continuing to send love and wish you a speedy recovery !!

  • Dear Aliy,

    Thank you for the update. It is great to hear from you. What an ordeal!! I’m astonished that you were able to keep it together to get your team safely to Rohn. You are pure grit!!

    As many of these posts have said, go slow. Concussions just need time. And sometimes you think you are ready to do something only to learn it’s still too soon. So if something like that happens don’t be surprised. It’s part of concussion territory. Patience will be your ally. Turtle energy- go slow to find the way forward.
    Our love and prayers from Cincinnati- Tim, Holly, Sissy and Scooter

  • Wow…Girl…you gave all of us a big scare! Can’t imagine how Allen and your team felt.
    So glad you are feeling a bit better. I have heard of retiring in a big way, but …

    I actually teared up when I first heard you were injured. I have followed your Iditarod runs for so long I thought “this, this is her year”. To read you were still following the Iditarod…my heart just wanted to hug you more. You so love and pamper your dogs…now you must pamper YOU. Severe concussions are not something to ignore. One day at a time. We are ALL sending you our biggest, heartfelt wishes for health and healing. Godspeed on a quick and complete recovery!

  • I’m so glad to hear you are on the mend. Thank you for sharing your experience with everyone. Please take good care of yourself and your dogs and you will always be a winner to all of us that have been following you over the years!

  • Thanks for the update. You are strong and glad to hear you are feeling better. Being in such good shape to start will bring big rewards. Thanks to Allen, your family and everyone helping you a big Thanks from fans!
    Love and Prayers to You Girl!

  • Hello SPK. It stuns me that you drove your dogs into Rohn, Aliy! Keep getting well Love, rose p, Nikiski

  • We’ve had a family member go through two concussions so we well understand the “No light and sound” issues going on. Rest, rest, rest. Audio books are nice. All of us are feeling for you and admire all the years you have been mushing and running the Iditarod. We hope you recover soon but don’t try to rush it. Blessings as you rest and recover.

  • Adding our hopes for your complete recovery, Aliy. You are in our thoughts every day. Obey the MDs!!

  • Aliy–

    Thank you for the full story. All the advice in the previous 79 responses since Monday the 15th sounds about right to me. You are my inspiration as well, and as you get better I hope you won’t forget how you have made such a difference for so many women, young and old.

    Remember Cha Cha “Improving the list” and never lose your spunk and amazing stamina in always wanting to do good, and lead the pack, with love,


  • Hi Aliy, I was so happy to read your update and most importantly that you are on the mend. Take care of yourself!!! Wishing you all the best!


  • Aily, Whoa you really rang your bell. It will get better but remember to be kind and patient with yourself. I will always be grateful for your kindness. Thank you, Maryella

  • You have always been my favorite musher and I’m so sorry you will not be working the Iditarod any more. I hope you get better soon and that you stay healthy. Best wishes for a good life.

  • Aliy, I’ve followed your races for years and was devastated when hearing of your accident. Best of luck in your recovery. Take it slow and be kind to yourself in your much deserved rest. You are the sportsman all mushers must strive to be.

  • I’m glad you’re home and doing well. Happy retirement, you will be missed on the trail.

  • Sending love and prayers for a speedy and excellent recovery Aliy! You’re an excellent musher, sportswoman, and huge role model to me. I love seeing all your laid back, matter of fact interviews and your dedication to the sport, landscape, and of course, the dogs. Sending healing and sunshine from California.

  • Praise God, Aliy so glad you are on the mend, head injuries are serious, so glad you made it to get help, you are a strong will women, 🐾🐾💜❤🙏🏾🙏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👐🏾👐🏾
    I am so proud of you I gave watched you race every since you said years ago that you was going to race in the Iditorod, I have gave watched every race you ran. When I was following you I knew something was wrong , so I started praying for you to get help guidance any thing you needed.
    I am glad you are healing and your dogs are good.
    Congratulations on retirement. I will miss you out there , but so proud, now it’s time to really enjoy your self, dogs, and Allen.
    Good luck and God Bless. 👏🏾👏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾💜❤❤🐾🐾

  • Aliy so happy you are on the trail to recovery. I have followed you the past several years and have become a fan of sled dogs and races. Congratulations on a great career and enjoy retirement I’ll miss you on the trail next year.

  • You are on my heart and mind. I was so distressed to hear of your accident, but grateful that you are on the mend. I had a bad fall on the ice a little over a year ago. It was scary, my head hit the pavement and bounced! My pelvis crashed down hard, but I had to get up and drive myself home, screaming and crying all the way!! But slowly my head injury effects subsided and the pain from my pelvis subsided so I know yours will too!! You are tough, you will be just fine. Thanks for all the years of mushing. My grandfather had his own dog team up in Candle back in the early 1900’s so I have always had a spot in my heart for the dogs and the sport. I know you will stay engaged and help keep this tradition safe and alive!

  • Thank you for the update. I have been worried about you. I know a 72 year old female marathoner who recently had a concussion (not while running). About three weeks into recovery she tried to go for a jog, but had to stop. Too jarring for the brain at that point in the recovery. Take care of yourself.

    I always follow all of the female Iditarod teams. Like the woman who implored you to win, I get very tired of my gender putting women down. You have inspired many women. I wish you the best in your recovery and your retirement from the Iditarod. I hope you will continue to have a role inspiring women.

  • Aliy,
    You have fans here in Central New York. Thank you for making the Iditarod exciting, more personal, and getting us involved in it over the years.
    Head injuries can be finicky. Issues with light, sounds, orientation and memory can persist for a long tine, but do slowly get better and resolve. Hang in there.

  • Sooooooooo glad to hear you’re on the mend!

    Take it slow, girl. We want a complete recovery!

    And enjoy retirement!

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