Time 4.55am Race Mile 714

Aliy and her team of Amber, Chevie, Cloud, Decaf, Dutch, Five, Jefe, Junior, QT, Rodney, Spark and Violet (in alphabetical order because I have no idea of her running order right now) have hit the western coast of Alaska. 260 miles to Nome!

After spending around four hours at Old Woman Cabin, they pulled into Unalakleet at just a few minutes ago at 4.45am. They will soon be on their way towards the luxury-makeshift checkpoint of Shaktoolik. That sounds like a contradictory description but I feel like it fits in this instance due to the work the community did to make the pop-up checkpoint homely.

It is a huge psychological milestone to hit the coast, and after Unalakleet they ‘hang a right’, or more appropriately: GEE, and head up the coastline towards Shaktoolik then Koyuk and beyond. From ‘Unk’ to ‘Shak’ the teams travel the Blueberry Hills, a favourite section of many mushers for its spectacular views. They climb up to 1000 feet and then drop sharply down to the frozen ocean. The primary concern in this section is the weather so we’ll be keeping an eye on the forecast.

Here are a couple of “Aliy Cam” videos from this coming section of trail.



There are many more Aliy Cam videos so scroll up to our ‘search’ box at the top right of the page and type in ‘Blueberry Hills’, ‘Shaktoolik’, ‘Unalakleet’ or ‘Aliy Cam’ and you’ll find lots more.

The SPK Crew are relocating over the next couple days but we’ll continue with coverage right here. Keep an eye on the tracker as the teams work their way up the coast.

13 Responses

  • Safe travels to all wherever those travels take you. We are keeping you in our thoughts! Aliy and doggies keep on keeping on! Whoo hoo!

  • Thanks for all the postings. Love watching them. Makes me a part of the race.

  • Glad to have them on the coast! Blueberry Hills next….Aliy’s favorite part of the trail!

  • Aliy’s run time are good but no one is burning the trail. Storm is forecast but she is no stranger to them! Keep the spirit and Go Red Team! Safe Travels!

  • Yes, safe travels SPK Crew!!!

    Great idea reminding us of video of previous Red Team Iditarod adventures!!!


  • Moira, I love this post, but most of all, I have to say, thank you for pointing out the search box has moved to the upper right of the page.
    LOL!!! I have been missing it ever since the SPK page was reconfigured. And boy did I miss it.
    Yes, you can teach an old dog a new trick, but those old fans, hmmmm?

    Aliy enjoy your trip up the coast with you buddies Amber, Chevie, Cloud, Decaf, Dutch, Jefe, QT, Rodney, Spark and Violet. We know you really excel here, but I hope you also enjoy the heck out of it.

    Safe travels to all our SPK family traveling. Be safe and healthy. <3

    • Nope, sorry, he’s still on the team. It was very early when I wrote that. I will edit it now!

  • Stay well as you travel about. Thank You for your informative updates. Since Aliy isn’t in the main stream this running, the press seems to have forgotten about her “air time” wise. I mean come on dudes – THE Lady IS a Superstar!!! However, her Friends and Fans have NOT, so your updates are essential to us. I’m an “Insider” and I get frustrated, so those followers who aren’t, depend on us who follow your words and pass them on are a satisfying “fix” to them <3 Hang in the Aliy and Big Red – Your cheering section is still intact and yelling as loud a we can – Go, Go, GO!!! 😉

    • It was very early when I wrote the post and left Five and Junior off the list. I have edited the post now. Thanks

  • Go team go! Happy to see you are on the last stretch!! Always a great to hear about “blueberry hill” as well! Keep up the great work!

  • Go Five!! Thanks for all the updates, Moira, & the occasional edit, too. I (& I know I’m not alone) so appreciate all you do to keep us informed. Safe travels to Aliy & the team as they run to Nome & the SPK gang as they head as they leave for home.

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