To celebrate the team getting to the Western Coast of Alaska we made another Dog Fan Club Draw.

Congratulations to Tammy Duncan-Swope who is a fan of Violet, QT fans Diane and Jim McConnell, Mrs Price’s 3rd Graders who are Commando fans and Bruno fan Brenda Dias. You all win a signed Iditarod 2020 poster plus a packet of the SP Kennel M&M’s, a glam shot of your dog and some other kennel goodies.


Violet wins hearts everywhere she goes. She is very affectionate and friendly, often climbing up into your arms. She is also an ultra competitive champion sled dog who is currently on the trail between Unalakleet and Skaktoolik with the rest of her team. See, you can have it all!

QT is gorgeous. She looks much like her dad, Joar Ulsom’s Kosak and is talented and competitive like her mom Quito. She is also on the trail with Violet and the rest of her team and is proving to be a rockstar leader on this race.


Commando was heartbroken not to make the Iditarod team this year as he loves to run and race. He’s enjoying late season fun-runs and playing with neighbours Chipper and Sanka whilst leading group howls and doing some landscaping around his house.

Bruno was back at the kennel yesterday and has been telling his neighbours and buddies about his experiences out on the trail, and about learning the trail system of Anchorage when he hung out with Linda and Midnight. He’s not delighted to have been benched early from the race but his health is great!

To find out more about our athletes look at the “Dogs” page. To join the Dog Fan Club you can hit the “Become a Dog Fan” tab at the top of the page or click here. We will have more Dog Fan Club draws and more goodies to give away.

Please note that due to circumstances beyond our control the “End of Trail Postcard” sent to all Dog Fan Club members will now be mailed from Pleasant Valley Trailside Mail instead of Nome.


3 Responses

  • Congrats to the winners! All are such wonderful SP Dogs! Special Congrats to Violets
    Fan Diane and Jim as she is really a sweetheart! Enjoy the goodies!

  • My students have been following and loving it. They have needed Aliy, the race, and the spirit of Alaska this past week as we have prepared for school closure. Today, Tuesday March 17, is our last day at school. We will gather once more for updates (and to share this great news with the draw!) I plan to show them a previous Aliy finishing from another year. As rookie Iditarod fans, I want them to experience the Front Street cheers and celebrating under the arch. They will hop on their buses with an ‘I can do it!’ Aliy-tude. Aliy is the best. SP Kennel is amazing. Best of luck on every trail!
    Here’s my one of my classes cheering her on last week!

  • We have been following Aliy for well over 15 years. Jim introduced the Iditarod to many years of low-income high school students through Aliy’s racing. Jim’s parents were sponsors of now-retired Willie and now of QT. We are proud to be part of the Fan Club, particularly QT and thrilled to be winners in this draw. 😊 Congratulations Aliy on another well run race!!

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