It’s 12:15am Monday AK time

Black Team

Right now Allen and his team mates are still negotiating Birch Creek and at time of writing they have about 35 miles till Circle. They will be pleased to get off the river and up onto land again.

His handler crew of Bridgett and Padee made it to Circle city while it was still daylight – it is recommended if possible to travel that stretch of road in daylight as it is twisty and winding and narrow. The local school opens up their gymnasium for visitors so they have been able to lay down, get an internet connection and have a bit of much needed rest. We know the mushers don’t get much sleep during the race but the handler crews also get very little so when they get the opportunity they take it!

Here is a series of short videos of the Black Team in and around Central earlier this afternoon.

Red and Black Team

Karolyn and her mates pulled into Central Checkpoint at three minutes before midnight tonight with a run time of 4 hours and 10 minutes. They will have all earned a good rest here and I expect they will stay a few hours. She and Luther Buhr seemed to travel not too far apart for much of this leg.

There’s quite a party there at the moment, albeit a very quiet one with dogs and mushers resting.

This is where practice of checkpoint routine really kicks in – when the musher is tired and can’t think straight, all their training and practice comes in to play. Drop bags, snack, straw, booties off, massage, blankets, leave them to rest while preparing their meal, repack sled, go inside, eat, sleep, wake up waaaaaay toooo soooon, feed dogs, pack sled, dress dogs, parka and mitts on, did I forget anything? Pull hook, go.

I mentioned in my last post how Birch Creek is a popular float river. Mark sent through some pics of a recent trip he did down the creek in the fall. How spectacular is that?!

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Hopefully by morning we will have some more detail through from the handler crews, will keep you posted!

4 Responses

  • Love the fall pics of Birch Creek…how gorgeous! Wonder how cold it is for the teams down there? Team looked great leaving Central!

  • Sure look like Happy Dogs to me! Thanks so much for the video and Handlers!!! Cold but beautiful scenery! Go Allen!
    Karolyn is doing Good! Watching on tracker!
    Go Karolyn and SP Dogs!!

  • How cold? A lot colder out in the open with icy river under foot.

    But no worries, at least no jumble ice???

    Any way, a big WOOF WOOF WOOF to all athletes on Black Team, R&B’s as well!!!

  • In Mark’s photos, I almost thought those were Elks (fall back to years in the Rocky Mountains – those pillow butts), but realized they must be caribou.

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