That’s a wrap for another Yukon Quest.

We still have a little more to share but tonight was the finish banquet and prize giving where we heard from the mushers and officials. It is one of the fun bits of the Quest where we get to hear stories from out on the trail – stories of heroic dog teams, great sportsmanship, hallucinations, hospitality and friendship. Congratulations also to all the special prizewinners. Attendees also got a sneak peek at the visual content team’s 2020 movie from their incredible footage taken during the race. Keep an eye out for that on the Quest Facebook Page.

Thanks to the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre Sewing Group for their special presentation to all mushers of beautiful beaded sitting dogs. They are real treasures.

Allen told some fun stories from this year and years past, and thanked everyone that helped the team get down the trail.

2020 is the first year the Quest has had a perpetual Champion’s Trophy and Allen got to award the trophy to Brent (as he was the last winner that wasn’t Brent). It is a beautiful trophy that celebrates all the winners over the years and Brent will be the first to claim it.

Here are a few more pics from the evening from Bridgett:



6 Responses

  • Well done Allen! Been a tough year for ya with the surgery and other nagging injuries…but you done good! Very proud of you and your Team!

  • Thank you again for all the updates and pictures while the team was on the trail!! And for the awards ceremony pictures as well!

  • Thanks to all at SPKENNEL for the great race updates and posts that makes this event memorable for all your kennel mates. Bittersweet when Allen announced his retirement. A mushing legend in all our hearts. Now on to the Iditarod.

  • Ditto to all above and Linda in the previous post.

    Inventive, creative and a gentleman – that’s the SP Kennel Black Team leader!!!


  • Congratulations, Allen! We visited Alaska for the first time this past July and bought a bootie for the Yukon Quest (No. 203), which was given to you. We followed your blogs daily and rooted for you all the way! Now looking forward to following Aliy in the Iditarod! Again, Good Luck from New Jersey!

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