Each year we retire dogs from the kennel for various reasons. Our philosophy of “the right home for the right dog, at the right time” drives every retirement decision.

Retirement can come in many forms for an SP Kennel sled dog. It might mean staying at the kennel and becoming a mentor to the young dogs while living your last days in Two Rivers with Aliy and Allen. Or it might mean retiring to a forever home of kennel friends who have fun, recreational dog teams. That way these SPK dogs will run in harness and have fun, but not race competitively. Or, it might mean flying to New Zealand, France, or the East Coast USA and sleeping on a couch and cuddling with your ‘new people’ for the rest of your life.

This year we have retired a number of dogs.

Here they are:


Quest champion and all-round star lead dog Chena decided she had enough of racing. As talented and strong as she was, she lost her enthusiasm at the end of last season and while she still pulled hard and achieved lots, we decided that her lack of pep meant that she wanted to retire early. Chena’s race history includes three Iditarods, one Yukon Quest championship, last year’s YQ200 and two YQ300s, three Copper Basins 300s, the Nome-Council race and several local Two Rivers 50/100/200s. That’s a lot of racing miles under her harness and a number of them in lead.

Chena has gone to live in the Adirondacks with Chemo and Outlaw, both former neighbours of hers from the yard. She will enjoy bossing the two boys around in her Life Part 2.

Thank you to Margaret and Alfred Wirtenburg who sponsored Chena since she was a puppy, and all her Dog Fan Club fans.


Barista, one of the coffee litter pups, has also called it a day at SP Kennel. Her racing history included one Iditarod, the Northern Lights 300 and several of the Two Rivers Dog Musher’s Assoc (TRDMA) local races. She was always full of energy, chasing her tail, playing with neighbour Perky or barking at phantoms and ninjas during the night while the rest of us were sleeping.

Barista spent some time at the end of last season with Pete, a local school teacher who runs a small recreational kennel in Two Rivers. He and his family fell in love with Barista so this summer they have adopted her proper.  She will get to lead his small dog team on the Two Rivers trails. See you out there Barista!

Thank you to Barista’s devoted sponsor Wendy Brott, and to all her fans.


Much like his namesake – McCaw has now retired from the big time. He has gone with Barista to live with Pete in Two Rivers. McCaw, although still quite young, turned out not suited to years of long distance racing. He is such a big fellah who would pull very hard, almost to the extreme, and tire his ‘draft-horse’ body out. He raced in one Iditarod, the Northern Lights 300 and the Percy DeWolfe Memorial Mail Race over in the Yukon. He’s also a YQ200 champion and has a couple of the local TRDMA races under his harness.

Special thanks to Fiona Campbell Trevor, McCaw’s sponsor since puppyhood, and all his fan club fans.


Sweet Ginger has flown to her new forever home. Her race history is not as extensive as her burly brothers but she contributed her best in some big races. She had one Iditarod start, a Copper Basin and YQ300 along with several local races.

Ginger was always too glamorous to be a sled dog. She is gentle, petite and gorgeous. Where better for such a glamorous girl to live but PARIS? Yes, that’s right – Paris, France. Ginger has gone to live with Sheila who has spent time at the kennel for the last few seasons. When not at SP Kennel, Sheila lives in Paris. She absolutely fell in love with Ginger from the first moment. Au revior Ginger girl – you’ll be the talk of the town.

Thank you to Ginger’s sponsor Frances Sherertz and all her fans.


With a Quest championship and three other top three finishes, five Iditarods, Kobuk 440, five Copper Basins, three Yukon Quest 300s, the Sheep Mountain 300 and four TRDMA local races under his harness, Felix is the most experienced dog to retire from the kennel this year. Felix decided it was time to call it a day on running 1000 miles.

Felix is such a friendly fellah to go with the immense talent he possesses. He would run the Yukon Quest then curl up in your lap. Felix has gone on an excellent adventure and is in New Zealand now, and has been reunited with his buddies Waylon and Torch. He made the trip over the ocean with Daisy (see below).

Danielle Carver sponsored Felix since he was a puppy – special thanks to her and all his fans.


Daisy was one of the unluckiest dogs at SP Kennel with regards to ill-timed happenstances. She never got to show us her full racing potential. She does have one each of Iditarod, Yukon Quest, Copper Basin 300, Yukon Quest 300 and Percy DeWolfe 210, plus eight locals TRDMA races on her resume.

Daisy made the exciting trip with Felix to New Zealand and is reunited with her brother Torch and uncle Waylon. She is always about fun and speed so will “rark up the Kiwis!

Thanks to Paul Stout, Daisy’s sponsor and all her fans.

Moira and Lydia were able to catch up with the entire SPKiwi recently at a dog race in Central Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. Check out this gallery of amazing pics by Teresa Angell who was the official photographer at the event. The SPK Southern hemisphere pups: Waylon, Torch, Daisy, Felix and Lydia.


Despite superior genetics, Prata unfortunately never realised her full potential. She is a real fire cracker, a pint sized, 36 pound sparkler and a mini-me copy of her momma Quito. She wasn’t able to channel her endless energy with much focus but certainly livened up the yard and training runs with her playful nature.

Prata is living locally and enjoying being the centre of attention!

Lynn and Tina Owsley sponsored Prata, thanks to them and all her fans.


Tinder has gone to live with Willie and Bean, who retired last year, in Fairbanks. Tinder has three Iditarod and four Copper Basin 300s under his harness and was a talented sled dog. Niggling injuries kept him from really shining as bright as he was able so he’s been enjoying running the local trails with his buddies. He needed worry about training for a 1000 mile race these days. We get to visit him now and again and he’ll always say hi. Bark! Bark! Bark!

Many thanks to Marilyn Cozzens who sponsored Tinder enthusiastically and visited with him annually from his puppyhood until now. Plus thanks to all his Dog Fans.


Beautiful Izzy is an extremely talented and accomplished sled dog. With four Iditarods, three Yukon Quests, Copper Basin 300s and YQ300s plus the Percy and three local races, she has achieved more than most. She became a momma last season and sat out the racing part of the season, enjoying shorter runs with the “oldies” for much of the winter.

Izzy has moved out of her accommodations at SP Kennel and is now living with Allen’s daughter Bridgett and her family. We felt that, due to her non-racing status last season, she didn’t get the attention she deserved so she is now enjoying family life with the Watkins’ and relishing the spotlight. We will miss her.

Thanks to the Clark Family and Chaya Zawadsky, Super fan Debi and all her dog fan club supporters.


You all know the story about Lydia. She is now happily settled in New Zealand with Moira and her family.

Lydia has in her CV two Iditarods, three Copper Basin 300s, a Yukon Quest 300 and is a YQ200 champ. She also ran in the Nome Council 200 plus six local Two Rivers races.

Thanks to the Chaffin Family – Jake, Sarah, Loren and Polly – for sponsoring Lydia, Mark and Linda Wardell who sponsored her for the first few years and to all her dog fans.

To read more about our retirement philosophy you can read these articles here and here.

13 Responses

  • I will miss you on this website, Barista! I guess recreational mushing is more your style and I want you to be happy and healthy! Blessings to you and your new family. From your fan, Carol

  • I’m so excited and happy for these retirees and their new families! I hope they have as much fun together as I do with Wedgy.

  • Glad to hear about the retirees! Will miss these guys especially Chena as she was one of my favorites.

  • Wow! Love the SP Howl with Moira! Nice to see Waylon as he was Mr. Sweet. Also Daisy–she is truly a beautiful dog! Lydia another favorite–Miss Big Blue eyes and Chena! Felix, he sure put his miles in and all the others.
    Happy retirement and Thanks to the new families! We will all miss you sure!!!!

  • That’s a lot of wonderful dogs – I’ve loved them all from afar…

    So happy for, in particular, our Chena. I enjoyed the Adirondacks as a child for many many summers, and it makes me so pleased to know that she will have that experience, too.

    Joining together with Chemo and Outlaw, exploring lakes and woods and even really really tall mountains lots of snow and ice should be a blast!!!


    Go SP Kennel!!!

  • Wow, what a mix of emotions.
    I know that every SPK retiree will enjoy their new digs,
    but I’m certainly going to miss some of those beautiful faces the next time I’m up north.
    Best to all of you and your new companions!!!

  • Awwww. Practically a team retired. Whew. Best wishes to all the new owners and happy couches wished for the dogs!

  • ❤️❤️❤️ The SPKiwi howling video! Also love seeing beautiful short haired, blue-eyed Waylon in front. Happy retirement pups and congratulations to the humans who are now their caretakers.

  • Wow! “SPKiwi” sure is expanding! How exciting to have so many SPK dogs together at the recent race in Central Hawkes Bay. Thank you so much for letting us know where all retiring dogs have moved on to . I have been a ‘fan’ of McCaw and noticed him missing from the roster of racers, so very happy to know about his new situation.

  • While accepting that we all must retire some day, I still feel a lump in my throat at so many I have watched bring you both in safely taking that step in their lives.

    Only change is constant.

    Who is stepping up to take their places?

  • I will miss seeing these pups on the website-especially Chena! Chena is one of my favorite SPK dogs to watch race. I hope all the pups have a good retirement and enjoy their new homes!

  • Was looking through the `RED’ team’s roster for Tinder, and understand that now, he has been sent to the playground. I’m certain that he is having a ball with his buddies Willie and Bean. You gave him an awesome opportunity while he was on the TEAM. Amazing animals !!! Best playtime in Fairbanks…Tinder. We’ll miss you.

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