We enjoyed a campfire cookout with the dogs earlier this week. As those of you who follow our racing know, we “camp out” with our dog teams a lot during races. It’s part of a successful long distance race plan. Anyhow, why not “camp out” on a delightful afternoon in Two Rivers to practice?

We ran 30 dogs and 6 humans to a nice sunny spot just to the west of the kennel, laid out straw beds and gave everyone a tasty snack. Most dogs slept peacefully in the sunshine, whereas some of them played with sticks (Peach and Scooby) or wrestled each other (Bruno and QT) or didn’t like their neighbor and had to sit in the corner (Kodiak.)

Thankfully the humans got along perfectly.

Allen can build a fire whether it’s +50ºF above or -50ºF and Wendy packs the best campfire meals. Kaz was the quesadilla cook. Karolyn toasted her marshmallows perfectly. S’More anyone?

Not everyone appreciated Aliy’s latest camp fire idea: banana boats cooked in the fire. It’s a banana cut out of half of its skin then topped with nuts or marshmallows or chocolate. Thankfully we also had hot dogs and quesadillas to grill. And of course… MARSHMELLOWS!

Sam has been working at the kennel this fall so this was his “day off” with the dogs. Sam…see you this afternoon buddy! There is always work to be done and we are happy to have an enthusiastic youngster to help out!

7 Responses

  • The “banana surprise” sounds original and delicious to me!

    Happy to get any report, but this one was awesome and happy to see all 2 and 4 legged SP Kennel folks having a “camp out” – isn’t Sam getting big!!! Thank you ever do much for slide show!!!

    So grateful that you share these moments with all of us – SP Kennel is the BEST EVER – and a woof woof woof for Kodiak!!!

  • Sam is getting big, I agree. I feel enthusiastic to think he will be on the runners to race some day.

  • What’s not to love about campfire banana boats?!? My favorite….baked taters in the coals is good too! Sounds like a perfect afternoon! Glad the young pups are getting a good experience!

  • There’s not a better way to spend an evening than to be camping out under the Alaskan sky. What a relaxing way to spend time in nature!
    Banana boats with nuts and chocolate sound delicious to me! So do quesadillas and s’mores! I would love to be part of a camp out with amazing sled dogs and mushers. Someday I will live in Alaska and be able to have some sled dogs and be a musher. I can’t wait that day!

  • Awesome!
    Team building. 🙂
    I’m curious if the youngsters actually learn to sleep, or if it’s the 50+ mile run the following day that cements the lesson.

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