Bill and Wu are 9 months old and still love to play. But doesn’t everyone… really?

The small field to the west of the kennel is a nice spot to let a couple of the dogs run around and burn off energy. The only traffic we might see is a local red fox, a snowshoe hare (or 10 of them), the nesting pair of sandhill cranes that often fly over and occasionally our human neighbors – who live over the ridge and across the field. Other than that, our dogs have a lot of freedom to run around and tear up the turf.

Here is a short video I just took – two playful puppies, their Auntie Tig (she babysits every pup born at SPK) and their mama Junior. Mama likes to play with them, but prefers to deal with the one-on-one. Two 9 months old rambunctious huskys can be a bit much.


This field has changed over the years but we are all intimately familiar with it, dogs and humans. When we raise puppies, their first outdoor explorations are always in this field. This is also the field that we cross as soon as we pull the snow hook and leave SP Kennel on each and every mushing adventure. The handler cabin overlooks this field. And truth be told, this is the field that Allen and I were married in almost 15 years ago. Whew!

8 Responses

  • I definitely want to come back as one of your dogs. Loved the video. They are having such fun.

  • I have an 8 month old and yes rambunctious is a great term for it.
    Field of dreams? Memories everytime you step out there. Awesome sauce!

  • Can’t beat the energy of young pups!!! WOOF WOOF

    Thanks so much for this visit to your favorite field – enjoy the sunlight!!!

    Best always to Mom Junior!!!

  • Well that was fun! I see a lot of Daddy Rodney is those boys lol! What handsome boys they are, and oh what fun they are having being puppies. It’s a far cry from that little tiny ball of 5 week old Wu that I had the pleasure to cuddle….you’ve come a long way, Baby!! Good girl to hang in there with them, Mama Junior. And, Tig, I see you doing what you do. Thanks for sharing that pure joy in puppy form!

  • That video is fun to watch! Energy Plus! Nice to see Mama Junior–she says they are crazy kids.
    Happy 15th coming up–really fantastic place you have!

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