Bridgett and her team are doing fantastic! We’ve had messages through from Scotty that they are in great spirits, resting lots as it is quite warm, and enjoying the race trail. Kodiak was the dog Bridgett left in Ambler, he wasn’t coping so well in the heat and not enjoying it as much as Kodiak can, so he’ll be enjoying lazing around in the arctic sunshine waiting to see the rest of the team again before their flight home in a couple of days.

The Kobuk 440 Facebook page and Twitter admin are posting lots of updates so keep an eye on those – there’s pictures, live videos and more.

Martin Apayauq Reitan caught this cool pic of the team and posted on his Facebook page – along with a bunch of others of the team. Apayauq, apart from being a talented dog musher is also a very talented photographer – check out his website!

In a few pics it looks like she had Five and Junior in lead, Chipper and Cayenne in swing, Clyde and Champ, Perky and Jefe, Driver, with Decaf and Felix in wheel. As I write she and the team are resting in Ambler for their second stop there. Here’s the link to the GPS tracker, in case it isn’t already open in your tabs.

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