It’s 9.30am – Feeling: Bleary eyed from watching the team’s avatar move through the night.

Earlier this morning, at around 8am Aliy and her team mates arrived into the checkpoint at Elim. They ran the nearly 50 mile leg solo in 7 hours, 37 mins. They will rest here for a few hours before the penultimate leg to White Mountain.

Just after Koyuk they had to climb a ridge and passes through all manner of landscapes including tundra, crossing the Kwik river and over to Moses Point and “Old Elim”. Elim village was moved to higher ground some years ago but the old cabins and and houses can still be seen. After that the followed the coastline pretty closely until arriving into Elim proper.

As part of a community outreach in partnership with our lead sponsor Matson, Aliy visited Elim in the summer of 2017. She was delighted to be able to ‘give back’ to a community that has shown her so much love over the years. She enjoyed the opportunity to see Elim in the summer and see where the trail goes, without snow and ice covering. Check out her story on her visit here – Elim is Wonderful. She also visited Golovin and White Mountain during that same trip.

For those that haven’t seen it yet, KTUU did a story about Aliy reuniting with Allen and Doug and Unalakleet. They arrived in Nome yesterday saying they had been interviewed and now we have proof!

We will sit and refresh the tracker all day today, travelling with the team down the trail.

13 Responses

  • I’m so proud of her….way to go Aliy! I have been watching here at work….glad I turned the whole office into Iditarod fans….especially the Boss! I loved the interview….SPK Rocks! Go Aliy and the Red Team…on into White Mountain next for a nice 8 hour rest!

    • That is quite the name you are using. I have traveled with his book for over 60 years. Lots of good things that one can use in the bush. Spent summers on Long Lake from 1947-1954.(Camp) Glad you are enjoying the race. Aliy is an old friend from her handling days. I lived in Alaska up in the Circle mining District,. Circle Hot Springs. Went up to see Alaska in 1978, and did not come back for 30 years.

  • What a great interview! Hoping she doesn’t stay too long in Elim with Matt racing down the trail behind her. This race has served up some tough trails. Shows us how tough our girl and dogs are. Go Team Go! Family is just within reach now!

  • I am ridiculously happy – Happy to see that Aliy “has proven great stamina” to quote Sebastian; happy to see the strength of the team; happy that her choices have worked for her (better than she thought); happy she is still on the trail … just plain happy

  • Thanks for the wonderful post and link to the interview! Aliy’s eyes just lit up when she saw Allen
    and her father! Great interview and insight on Aliy. This year she has 90 fans and as long as I have
    followed her that is the most she has had. Aliy is so caring and compassionate. Always gets a crowd!
    Doug can be so proud of Aliy as are us fans! Go Girl and those beloved SP Dogs! With you all the way!
    Thanks also to the crew that puts this race together for her. Family as well as friends make it all happen!

  • I’m so thankful Aliy and her team are resting in Elim, and I hope the run to White Mountain will be fun for all of them. If the weather is good enough, maybe some SPK family can make it to White Mountain by snow machine to great the team?

    KTUU did an awesome interview with Aliy and family!
    They interviewed DeeDee about Nic’s situation too. I appreciate DeeDee’s insights into the race teams, especially when she talks about Aliy. I think she understands better than some commentators.
    I am thankful Aliy traveled with Jesse Holmes until he got to land. That was clearly a difficult trek for him and his team, if Aliy wasn’t there, I imagine it could have gone badly. The standings show Jesse checked out of Koyuk; however, his team is resting in Koyuk hours later per GPS. Thanks for getting him off the ice Aliy!

  • Thanks for fabulous post, Aliy is a very special person. She has a shot a 3rd place which will be a great achievement . Go Aliy & teammates. SPK rocks & is the best kennel in Alaska!

  • This has been a very fun race for an Aily fan to follow. At every check point, her team moves up in the standings. It really looks like the new tactics are working. The TV interview was great and made me tear up too! Best wishes for the remainder of the race.

  • This interview is so special! So good to hear Allen. Glad Allen and Doug made it in time for Aliy’s arrival. I think the dogs knew they were in the crowd. You could see them kind of hesitate coming in and look in that direction. I agree with Dawn; she needs to watch out for Matt! Go SPK! Let that wind carry you into White Mountain!

  • Ditto on the interview. Awesome! I’m so glad Allen and Doug were there to give Aliy a boost. In almost every Insider video with the mushers in lead, they all have said at one time or another that they will just run their team to the best of their ability and see how it turns out. Again, I remember a post right after the YQ when Moira was talking to Aliy and Allen about how differently we look at the race through the eyes of the GPS. They are out there enduring and moving through what nature has handed them. We armchair mushers see speed, who is behind, who is in front. I know winning or placing well in the standings is on their minds, but they have so much to get through before that happens. Great job Aliy and the awesome SP Kennel dogs. It’s not over yet. We are so proud.

  • This is a great race! SPK is the best sled dog kennel anywhere! I enjoyed the interview; Aliy is the best musher in the world! Safe travels, Red Team, to White Mountain and from there to Safety and Nome. SP Kennel is truly an amazing Kennel and the BEST Kennel in the world!
    Keep racing, Aliy! Run with the wind to Nome!

  • I am cheering for you, Aliy! You are the best musher in the world! Keep racing toward the finish line!

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