Aliy took several short videos during her nine days on the Iditarod trail. This is the final video of the series. We hope you have enjoyed them.

In this video the team has passed Safety and is only 15 miles from Nome.

As well as videos, Aliy took photos while on Iditarod 2018. Here are three snap shots from the last day on the trail.

This is a photo of Johnson’s Camp telemetry site that records automated weather and wind readings just prior to the Safety Checkpoint. HERE IS LINK if you are interested. 

This is a photo of the team coming into the Safety Checkpoint. Who is more excited the people waiting to greet us or the team? 

Here is the last photo from the 2018 Iditarod. Sunset approximately an hour prior to the finish line.

To the right of the sun are the glowing lights of Nome. As it seemed throughout the one thousand miles across the Arctic, Mother Nature overpowered humankind in every way. Coming into Nome was no exception.

4 Responses

  • What an awesome way to end yet another trek across the Alaskan Wilderness with your best buddies! Good Dogs indeed! Love the sun set!

  • The dogs running in rhythm with the ocean to the left and the sunset in front is just beautiful. Good Dogs! Love the sunset picture and seeing the lights of Nome. What a great way to share your 2018 ID journey! I have enjoyed each video. Thanks so much!

  • Beautiful!
    That is a healthy, happy, perky looking dog team finishing up a 1000 mile race!
    The veterinary team did well honoring you with the
    Leonhard Seppala Humanitarian Award

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