Aliy took several short videos during her nine days on the Iditarod trail. There are about 20 in the series, many are quite short but we thought you would enjoy them over the next few weeks.

The Western Coast of Alaska can be a tricky spot. This video is on the trail between Koyuk and Elim. A ground blizzard created a bit of a white out and Aliy was able to capture it on video. The wind gusts were up to 35mph. You can see the dogs get blown sideways and their wind jackets, despite having a solid velcro belly band, try to blow off their backs. Dutch and Spark are in lead here and even though they can’t see the trail, they can smell it, and the AMAZINGLY stay on course.


Anyone who has heard Aliy try to describe the white out conditions near the Safety Checkpoint during the 2014 race will cringe while watching this current 2018 video. The wind gusts during the 2014 storm were twice the strength of the wind in this video. Aliy and her team endured that unpredicted storm in the middle of the night on terrain that was a complete ice. No matter how much Quito tried to stay on the route, she was often blown off to the south.

6 Responses

  • I am in awe of the mutual trust between you and the amazing SPK canine rock stars!!

  • Thank you for sharing this video! Those wind gusts look very strong but great leaders Dutch and Spark pulled the team through the whiteout! Way to Go, Dutch and Spark!

  • Amazing. Such brave doggies.

    Thanks ever so much for sharing. They look as if they know what to do, confirmed by your report re: smelling where the trail was (perhaps the benefit of not being the leader in this situation).

    What a punishing wind!!!

  • I remember it from 2014 as I’m sure Aliy does! Glad everyone made it ok as it was
    probably twice what the video shows. Scary!

  • Yes, It is AMAZING how they stay on course! Dogs are awesome! The 2014 race was incredible and scary to watch unfold during that stretch of the course. I will never forget the insider video of Jeff King doing a backward somersault, caused by the wind, while tending to his dogs. Mother Nature was showing her strength and unpredictability that night. So thankful Aliy and dogs made it through that storm without a scratch…that goes for all the mushers and dogs.

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