Aliy took several short videos during her nine days on the Iditarod trail. There are about 20 in the series, many are quite short but we thought you would enjoy them over the next few weeks.

This video is taken in the Blueberry Hills between Unalakleet and Shaktoolik where there is always challenging “side hill” sections of trail. Aliy has some difficulty keeping the sled upright while filming.

The ocean lies to the southwest at the base of these hills. Most years this view is a white landscape, but in 2018 this section of ocean is not frozen. It is dark and ominous. You can see that the ocean ice has shifted and there are now open leads. This is particularly disturbing because the Iditarod trail will soon cross the ocean (in approximately 25 miles) on the hopefully frozen bay between Shaktoolik and Koyuk. In 2018, Aliy’s team did this ocean crossing in the dark – which was somewhat nerve-wracking.

8 Responses

  • Amazing video–wind howling but scary to see open water. Thanks so much
    for the tour!

  • Love it! The Blueberry Hills do not disappoint. Always love seeing the ocean views from the Blueberry Hills videos, even though it may not be as frozen as it could be. I just finished reading Shadows on the Koyukuk (thanks for the recommendation Nessamuk). Such a great testament to the “old ways” and how they lived/survived in this beautiful place you have captured in the videos. Awesome lead dogs! Awesome team! Thank You!

  • So much has changed in the few years I have lived here. I really didn’t think it would happen this fast – to see the climate warm so quickly. They predicted it long before I made my way north, but I just did not think it would be this quick.

    Like Cindy, I think the Blueberry Hills are wonderful, though. I remember watching Jessie and Aliy’s team all along the Yukon and across this area. It wasn’t until they left Koyukuk that Aliy took her place in front. I remember watching the cluster of three or four crossing the Ocean that night; it seemed they did a lot of switching as to who broke trail, but maybe that was an artifact of the GPS trackers being timed at different intervals. We knew Nic had gone off the trail by that time – all the more tense to watch.

  • Open water on the ocean is definitely cause for concern and caution! Crossing in the dark no doubt was a bit daunting! Yikes!

    Glad you liked Shadows on the Koyukuk Cindy! Definitely a must read for people who are intrigued by this part of the world.

  • Love the video! Gotta know though…..Who is that in single wheel with the funny rear gait?? — possibly Nomex? Or Scooby?

  • That is the ocean, should be frozen but it’s not! What a thing to have to think about knowing what is coming up down the trail!
    Love, love these videos. What we would have given for some snow this past winter here in Durango. Cools me down just watching ’em!

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