Aliy took several short videos during her nine days on the Iditarod trail. There are 20 in the series, many are quite short but we thought you would enjoy them over the next few weeks.

In this video he team reaches the summit of Rainy Pass.

6 Responses

  • Oh this is scary… the descent into madness! 🙂
    Thank you for these videos, SPK.
    They give a sense of who we’re really routing for. The endless miles of boredom followed by small times of terror (or BIG times .. like when snowmobiles are driven by psycho’s ….but whatever) -we love to see what you have to endure because then we can appreciate all the work you do – to get yourselves and the 4-legged team mates in shape. And all the work the SPK 4-leggeds do to keep you in shape and pull you along this vast race. Thank you. You all should be proud of SPK and what you have lived through and what you have accomplished. We are proud to be your supporters!!!

  • Had a little catching up to do. Wow, these videos show the vastness of the land just a bit, eh?

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