It was great to see the team in person and talk to Aliy about them.

The dogs she left in Nulato were SCHMOE and CHEMO. Schmoe developed a sore wrist and she felt it would be best for him to head home rather than continue the race. Chemo tweaked his shoulder not far from the checkpoint and it was enough for her to decide to leave him with his buddy and yard neighbor, Schmoe.

L-R: Schmoe and Chemo

This is Schmoe and Chemo’s first time in the Iditarod big leagues and they’ve had a great year so far being part of the champion Yukon Quest team and Schmoe in the CB300 winning team. They’re both still young so have plenty of races left to show us their stuff.

SCRUGGS (right) was dropped in Kaltag – he hurt his shoulder/bicep similar to what Scout did way back in Skwentna.

Scruggs has been an automatic choice for the top team this season and is a Yukon Quest and Copper Basin champion this year.

All three of them will quickly recover from their ailments and will be on their way back to Anchorage soon with the Iditarod Air Force.

They will head out to the holiday camp (Margie’s kennel) once they are back.

11 Responses

  • Good Dawgs! What a hard working team for a hard trail.
    Stay strong and focused. We are so proud of RED and BLACK!!

    GO-Quito and Aliy.
    Thank you for the updates.

  • Speedy recoveries and healing thoughts to Schmoe, Chemo and Scruggs! Always sad to hear dogs being dropped from the Team but knowing it's always in the best interest of the 4 legged Team Member makes us fans feel much better about it! Give Chemo a kiss on his nose from his Sponsor Moms….we love you buddy… did great!

  • i am so touched by how SPK teams put their dog's health over competition in the high ly competitive world of all professional sports!Your ethical standards and love of your animals is exemplary!!

  • Good news on the dropped dogs. How is Biscuit doing? Good luck on the rest of the race!

  • Awesome teamwork dawgs. You put Aliy and your Red team in excellent position.

    When I left for work last night, Aliy was in Unalekleet, thanks to your help. I'm so excited to come home this morning to find that she was the first in to Shaktoolik by almost an hour.

    Yesterday was so exciting watching Aliy cross the portage, I might have slept 15 minutes, yikes.
    I'm glad Aliy and her team are getting some rest in Shaktoolic.
    It sounds perfect!

  • Thanks on the up date on the dogs. Aliy you are a real example of a humanitarian for the dogs, Thank You!

    Posted this on Facebook this morning keeping folks up dated!
    Aliy 1st into Shaktoolik — GO ALIY GO! RET TEAM is awesome!

    Population 199 — One look down the street at the snowdrifts will tell you this is one of the windiest stretches of the trail. From here the trail continues overland for a short distance, then leads the mushers out onto the ice of Norton Bay, one of the most treacherous segments of trail that the musher may have to contend with. The checkpoint is at the armory.

    Aliy and Red Team arrived at 3/9 03:51:00, rested for 3h 21m.
    The Red team and Aliy left Shaktoolik at 3/9 07:12:00.
    They are headed to Koyuk 50 miles north of Shaktoolik.
    This puts them within striking distance to Nome 171 miles north.

    Thank You for the prayers for Aliy and the Red Team. Please continue to Pray they are the 1st in Nome crossing the Finishing Line.
    Ron in AZ

  • Thanks so very much for the updates on dogs' welfare! Such wonderful athletes!

    Go Red Team – if dogs can fly, this is the time to do it!!!

    Woof, woof, woof!!!


  • Sad but I trust Aliy to do what's best. I got the whole board over at Weasel Zippers (a conservative news, political site)tuned into the race and all are cheering Aliy, Quito, Waylon and team. I have Quito as my spiritual avatar right now. :+)
    Go, Aliy and four-legged athletes!

  • What a team they are! So sorry for the dropped dogs, but only proves that Aliy has their best interests at heart.
    It's going to be a rough ride to finish first but this one belongs to the whole Red Team, I know they can do it. Absolutely.

    Iditarod 2014 winnes belong here, they have worked hard enough for this.
    Go Red Team, you are all champions.
    I see my excitment is showing through just a little. 🙂

    No doubt, this one is Aliy's.
    Go, m'lady, Go.

  • Yes, thanks for the update on Schmo, Chemo, & Scruggs. They gave their all to getting the team this far. Both Aliy & Allen put the dogs first which is what makes them and SPK so special. Go Aliy, go.

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