You may think I’m talking about the race between Allen, Brent and Hugh, but NO!…
I’m talking about the race between the Black Team and the handlers!

As Allen and the dogs approach 40 Mile cabin, about 44 miles northwest of Dawson, Aliy, Ray, Meghan and Moira are zooming through the Yukon Territory in “Hollywood” (the new kennel truck) from the southeast, trying to reach Dawson and get the camp set up BEFORE the team arrives.

They are about 220 miles from Dawson. The map program says that’s about 5 1/2 hours. The Aliy “program” says about 7 for Allen and the Black Team. Yikes, that’s close!

The trail change that eliminated American Summit is making it VERY difficult for the handlers. Not only is the race time shorter by the length of the 50 mile run, but also from the lack of the necessary rest after the summit! Race safely, my family.

Allen approaching 40 Mile

Hollywood’s Route to Dawson

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