All of the SP Kennel dropped dogs are off the trail and in Anchorage. We hope to have them all back at the kennel in the next 2 days. It will be good to get them home.

Ryne, Mickey and Doug are all making there way to Nome. Ryne, after finishing her race at 2 am this morning, is currently at the airport in Fairbanks. Mickey and Doug, after spending the day helping with dropped dogs, are at the airport in Anchorage. Bridgett and Scotty are heading out to Unalakleet this afternoon from their home in Nome. SP Kennel is moving and shaking.

Aliy and the red team are running with 11 dogs. She has dropped Bonita, Snickers, Tug, Rose and Butterscotch. Allen and the black team have dropped Chica, Oddball and Dingle. They are all eating well and very comfortable at a friend’s kennel in Knik.

4 Responses

  • The updates are wonderful, the videos are great, & the teams are moving along nicely… what's not to like about the SP Kennel family??!! ~Barbara

  • Hope it's nothing serious with the dogs. Thanks for the update. I'm always wondering who got dropped.

  • Thank you for the updates. Mickey, you are an excellent writer. It was great to get an eye-witness account, especially of things not normally covered on any forum.

    I know she won't be reading this until later, but Aliy, thank you for the Aliy Cam. I've read over and over from fans saying that they became fans of SPKennel because of the website and the Aliy Cam.

    Looking forward to your report, Bridgette!

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