Report from Braeburn. Ryne has been in Braeburn since 8:58 am and was get set to leave at approximately 2:30 pst. She had a wonderful run from Whitehorse, camping about half way. She and the dogs saw an incredible show of Northern Lights as they rested. She will be leaving Sissy at Braeburn with the handlers. Sissy is just working too hard!

Aliy left Braeburn at 11:39 with 11 dogs. She dropped Bonita. She was very pleased with her run. The trail was fast and she was able to move up through the teams at a nice pace. She is really enjoying seeing the trail again after so many years.

Bonita and Sissy are well and sleeping in the truck. They ate a good meal and are curled up in the straw. The Sat Phone had a frozen battery, but fixed now. Hope to have another update when Ryne leaves.

Allen is still on the trail to Carmacks.

11 Responses

  • Just wondered what is up with Tatfish? He is always on a team and ready to go all the time. Is he injured?


  • I've been checking this site every day. Thanks so much for the updates and the insights, Kaz. Are your kids following the race too?

  • I get grumpy when I am tracking a favorite and the GPS ceases to transmit. Now, I am stuck in a game of "Where's Allen." The YQ folks do a good job of updating the standings regularly, which produce the official accurate results, but there is a delay!

    Technology is great, when it works, eh?

  • Thanks- that's the best possible news about Bonita & Tatfish. You're doing a great job keeping all of us informed.

  • I'm new to following these long distance races…but am I correct in my understanding that of all the teams now into Carmacks…that the Black Team is posting the fastest average speeds????
    WootWoot…Go Allen Go!!!!

  • O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

    Allen GPS tracker is back and he left in 5th position – just like Aliy did from Braeburn.


  • Allen is running very steady and well, but I think the speeds you saw were more due to the rest he took on the trail. It is really hard to tell how fast a team is really running if they rest out there because the rest time is still part of the average speed. It is also hard to say that the average speed is what the Spot is saying. Say they are on American Summit and it catches their time going downhill. It will read fast speeds, 18 mph maybe. Anything that fast is either an error or a down hill. If it shows them crawling at 4mph, they are either going uphill or breaking trail through deep snow.

    Hope this helps.

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