Even more than our “usual” videos, this one is a real “story within a story.” It starts with the exhaustion — almost delirium — in Aliy’s voice as she narrates the Team’s approach to Ruby. The story builds to a thrilling — almost frightening! — climax as the team “turns into town” then resolves with a successful arrival. I may be exaggerating a bit, but if I am I doubt you’ll think I’m doing it by very much.

One thing to keep in mind as you view this and future “Aliy Cam” videos: A tree wiped out the camera’s sled mount, so Aliy has to shoot everything “hand held” from here on. When you’ve finished watching this video, you’ll have even more appreciation — perhaps even awe — for Aliy’s one-handed mushing skills!

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13 Responses

  • Awesome video, I'm very impressed! These videos I'm sure she and Allen will cherish for years to come…very exciting to see them in action!
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  • hooooh!

    so what is so special in this video?
    chacha wants to take a short cut….
    everybody will do this after such a long hike! right?
    and aliy does not get it :o)
    those incapable two-leg creatures …
    great pics.

  • It's hard to find words to express how great this clip is!

    Best part was her half-begging "don't pull the hook on me" when she darn well knew, that in spite of her plea, they were probably going to go ahead and pull the hook…

    Great reflexes to jump on while still clutching the camera.

  • Ok Mac- you were right! This has to be my all time favorite! Aliy did a great job staying composed-I'm sure this could have ended differently if she weren't composed!

    Dogs look great too! I love Tatfish!

  • OK, I am so excited seeing these videos!! It's truly one of the best perks of the whole Iditarod viewing thing! This is my first year watching and I'm having so much fun…you are a big part of that! THANK, ALIY!!

  • Again, fabulous. I think this just might be one of Aliy's best videos ever! Its neat to see what might happen not so perfectly. Do mushers put down 2 snow hooks often to prevent them pulling out, or do they just hope the dogs won't pull too hard so they can jump on the sled as it passes ?

  • Emily:

    Quite a few mushers carry two hooks early on in the race although most of them shed one of the hooks somewhere along the way at a checkpoint and continue on with just one. Early in the race the dogs have enough energy (and there are usually a lot more dogs in your team) that they can pull a hook easier and so a musher will sometimes use two hooks.

    When you are out in front of your team and walking back toward the sled, you kind of learn to walk while keeping your arm that is closest to the team as you walk back to the sled on the ready to hook under the handlebar if need be, if the hook does get pulled and you need to quickly hitch a ride!

  • Some of my very favorite shots in both vidoes are the ones where Aliy turns the camera on herself and you can see all the ice and snow caked on her eyelashes and clothing! That's COLD! There are wonderful! Thank you………

  • ADN, Mike Campbell calls Aliy
    a "model of consistency" complimenting her race… one of the 'surgers' in the race.
    Great video, the reality of each moment out there.

  • Absolutely fantastic !! Just found this site this morning. A real close up of what some aspects of the race look like. Thank You !!!!!!

  • Wow! Amazing video. Had that been me, the camera would have been face down in the snow and I probably would have missed getting on the sled in time! Very impressive how Aliy was able to keep filming and get back in control so quickly.

    I don't think I've ever taken notice of the snow hook before. I'm going to have to review videos and look carefully to see if I can see it. But I was wondering if the snow hook could get in Aliy's way as she was getting back on the sled or even swing around and hit her? I mean, she held on to the camera, somehow jumped on the sled just in time, and (I assume) she had to do something with the snow hook that had pulled free.

    Thanks for posting this. Even if there wasn't the dramatic end it would be very interesting to me just to see what happens when dogs take the wrong turn and then get tangled. I love, love, love your videos, and the ones from the trail are the best of all!

  • Aliy: My respect for you and your kennel has just jumped threefold!! You are sleep deprived and cold and are still able to keep on mushing down the road while videoing the journey. You have my utmost respect and admiration!!!!!

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