The dogs and humans of @ SPK are happy and healthy. Wishing all of our canine and human friends and supporters a cheerful holiday season whether you are enjoying a crisp and cold, winter wonderland or palm trees and humidity this joyful season.
(SORRY BUT ALL BEANIES HAVE SOLD.)We recently sorted though some of our SP Kennel gear and have found a hidden box of SP Kennel Red beanies and ball caps from last season. Thanks to all the folks who reached out and wanted a beanie.
We thought we’d give you another update on dogs who have retired and moved house from SP Kennel. There is a lot that goes into retirement decisions and our philosophy of the right dog to the right home, at the right time is always in mind. It is bittersweet for the humans of SP Kennel but the dogs are all very happy in their new lives. Read more about our dog retirement philosophy in this post or our About The Dogs page (click links), or type ‘retire’ in the search box on the top right and see all our retirement stories.
Chevie and Five
Chevie and Five have had a big adventure! They are both now at SP Kiwi in New Zealand, with Waylon, Torch, Daisy and Felix along with five other canine housemates and two humans. Chevie and Five had three months of strictly timed vet checks, blood tests and vaccinations to undergo to meet the import requirements of NZ – thanks to the team at North Pole Veterinary Surgery for helping with all the appointments. They then travelled to LA where the pet travel company greeted them and organised their final vet and customs checks. One hop over the Pacific Ocean then 10 days in quarantine in Auckland. Sheryll and Ilona were able to welcome them home earlier this month.
Now at home Chevie and Five have settled in well and are enjoying hanging out with their former kennel mates and new friends. It’s coming into summer in NZ so they will have some months of exploring their new property and environs (and maybe have puppies?) before starting training for the winter season mid next year.
Chevie exploring her new yardChevieDaisy and Chevie (photobomb Feliix’s butt)Felix and Five following the leader ChevieHappy FiveTorch, Chevie, Waylon and FiveTorch and Chevie
Big, strong, solid Five has an impressive race history including four Iditarods and two Yukon Quests plus many mid-distance races including the Kobuk 440, Copper Basin 300, Two Rivers 50, 100 and 200. He is a Yukon Quest champion and all-round good guy. He will enjoy the forest and orchard trails in New Zealand. Thank you to Barbara Boucher who sponsored Five since his puppy-hood (and also his auntie Bonita before that). We appreciate your love and support for Five all these years. Thanks also to all his Dog Fan Club members!
Chevie has a number of mid-distance races under her harness with one Iditarod start. Aliy used the words pert, strong-willed and sassy to describe her as well as “a dynamite lead dog”. She’ll add a new dimension to the SP Kiwi crew. Close kennel friend Nicolle Wisniewski has sponsored Chevie since she was a puppy – sincere thanks to her and all Chevie’s Dog Fan Club members.
QT, Bruno, Razz and Gravy
In our last update we told you about Bill and Jefe, who had gone to live with Bridgett and her family to continue their racing careers. More recently QT, Bruno, Razz and Gravy joined them as they, too, were not ready to retire to a couch just yet. You can follow their fortunes at Kennel On A Hill.
QT is smart and beautiful and has an impressive race history. She has four Iditarods and several mid-distance races including Copper Basin 300, Northern Lights 300, Percy DeWolfe, Yukon Quest 200 and local Two Rivers races. She is a fast and confident lead dog and will add much to any team she is on. Many thanks to QT’s sponsors, long time kennel supporters Bob and Shirley McConnell, and all her Dog Fan Club members.
Bruno is impressive all round – looks, talent and race history. He has four Iditarods and two Yukon Quests to his name and mid-distance races alongside his sister QT. He’s a freight train and very low maintenance. Bruno was sponsored by Teresa Clark – thank you so very much for choosing Bruno. Thanks also to his Dog Fan Club members.
Razz is small and quick and loves to be in lead. She hasn’t had the chance to show the world her talent yet so we are looking forward to following her fortunes. Little Razzy-razz-razz was sponsored by Joy and Nick and Evelyn Dayana Weis – thank you for your long standing support for SPK. Thanks to all her Dog Fan Club members also.
Gravy is a super-fun happy boy with great genes and amazing potential. We can’t wait to see how he takes on the world! Thanks to Holly and Tim Freeman who are Gravy’s sponsors and long-time kennel supporters. Thanks to his Dog Fan Club members.
We thought we would let you know about a few more dogs that have moved house and retired from SP Kennel. Dog retirement is bittersweet for the humans of SP Kennel but the dogs are all very happy in their new lives. Read more about our dog retirement philosophy in this post or our About The Dogs page (click links), or type ‘retire’ in the search box on the top right and see all our retirement stories.
Media darling and fan favorite, Violet, has gone to California to live with her biggest fan and sponsor Becky. Violet is a supremely talented sled dog having raced in six Iditarods, three Yukon Quests and a multitude of mid-distance races. She is a Quest Champion, having won with a bunch of her siblings and cousins in 2018. Whilst being an incredible race dog, she is also an overtly friendly, outgoing dog – “a shamless entertainer” as Aliy describes her. We will miss Violet but we’re very happy for both her and Becky as they start their new lives together.
Here’s what Becky has said about Vi: I have been in disbelief at what an easy adoption Violet has been. She has been abosolultely nothing but a blessing. She has already been an asset for love and healing on the Central Coast of California. She has met so many people and it doesn’t matter if they are family, friends or strangers Violet approaches them all with love, healing and affection. Everyone adores her here. Every day is exciting to her, and she makes it exciting for us. She is super playful and makes us laugh hard when she gets goofy. She truly seems to enjoy making me laugh. When it’s time to chill inside she is total calm, she it’s time to play she is charged. I can never thank Aliy and Allen enough for Violet.
Bill and Jefe
Allen’s daughter Bridgett has her own kennel and will be racing in the Iditarod this year. She will have Bill and Jefe at her kennel to help! They are still in a racing frame of mind and will enjoy continuing their sled dog careers with Bridgett, Scotty, Timber and River.
Dr Bill (above) is still a youngster and has his best racing years ahead of him. With genes like his he is bound to make an impression wherever he goes. Go well Dr Bill, we will enjoy watching your progress!
Jefe was not ready to retire from training and racing and he will be an asset to any team he runs with. He’s a strong, talented sled dog and loves to run. We’ll be watching you big guy!
Nomex is not too far away from SP Kennel as he is now living with Padee, who sometimes watches over the kennel if Aliy and Allen are away. He is enjoying one-on-one time with his new person and hanging out with his kennel buddies often. Nomex’s new favorites are: ice cream and gardening. Perfect summer combo. Enjoy the LVE Nomex! You deserve it.
Back in November 2013 we set up the Dog Fan Club so you all could show your support for your favourite dog (or dogs). Over the seasons it has proven to be extremely popular and we have given away some great prizes to many of you – kennel goodies, race memorabilia, Alaska souvenirs and, of course, the much sought-after SP Kennel M&Ms. Mountains of extra treats from the Fan Club Biscuit Barrel have been dished out to the dogs who won each draw (and just as many to those who didn’t).
Thank you all so much for embracing the Dog Fan Club and our amazing athletes over the last eight seasons. We have appreciated your support and felt the love. All the proceeds from the Dog Fan Club went back to the dogs and helped with general running of the kennel.
Now it’s time to close the Dog Fan Club, for good. We’ve done a final draw of four names and you will all receive the last of the M&Ms plus a glam shot of your dog and some other kennel goodies.
Congratulations to Debbie Scaife who is a fans of Jefe, Bruno fan Claudia Hess, Scooby fan Sarah Gregory, and Lila Cartledge who is a fan of Peach.
Brothers Jefe and Bruno have superior genetics and surely lived up to their potential. They are both strong, muscled and motivated sled dogs yet when not in harness will play and play with their respective BFFs Chipper and Violet.
Scooby-dooby-do, where are you? Well, Scooby is at SPK and is enjoying summer walks and spending time in the play pens. Peach is playful and silly and is keeping the neighbours up at night playing games with her buddies.
Find out more about our athletes at the “Dogs” page.
Thanks again for your years of support through the SP Kennel Dog Fan Club! We appreciate you!
Greetings! Here in Two Rivers, we are doing our best to put aside our “Go Go Go” lifestyle and enjoy the moment. Sometimes we are successful and sometimes… not so much.
We continue to do our best to be healthy and happy: both the humans and dogs.
Allen is running or biking most days, with at least one dog. He has readied the kennel for another summer: set up pumps in the yard during muddy break up, removed traveling dog boxes from our trucks, turned all our winter vehicles into summer vehicles (tires, oil, camper top, etc) or stored them away, set up an evacuation trailer (just in case), sorted thru winter this and that. It’s always amazing to convert from winter boots to mud boots to regular shoes.
As for me… I can now say that after 2 1/2 months, my road of recovery is going quite well. My head trauma took time and rest. I did very little for a long time. But as of today, I can honestly say that I am doing my normal summer activities without pain or confusion. It’s nice when your sister tells you: “It’s good to have you back.”
At the end of April, I got GREEN lights from my “Head Doc” and my “Arm Doc” to start physical therapy. I didn’t use my right arm very much for 7 weeks after my Iditarod crash (nor had I done much activity at all) so it was a slow process in the beginning. By following my Physical Therapist’s directives, as well as having several key OMM body manipulations (thanks Todd), my body is getting back on track. In the beginning, I started out in the “Holy Cow! constant pain phase” and soon moved onto the “Ouch! severe random pain phase” but am now comfortably residing in the “Ohhhh! stiff and sore phase” of my rehab. [Note: These are my own personal PT terms. If you are going thru PT you might even recognize them or have some of your own.] It’s June 1st and I will continue to improve until I am “back to normal”. Cool, huh?
The dogs. We updated you on some of the new homes that a few of the SPK pooches have gone to already. There are still 15 sled dogs here in Two Rivers. Of course, we are never in a hurry to rehome anyone. When the time is correct, the time is correct. Of the 15 dogs here, six of them already have forever homes: Violet doesn’t leave until mid June, Chevie and Five don’t leave until early August and Jefe, Bill and Razz are waiting for the perfect time to go to their new home later this summer. As is Peach. Both Scooby and Rodney needed minor North Pole Vet Hospital visits during this post season. Scooby is now 100% and Rodney, who had splinter in his paw, is way ahead of me as far as physical therapy goes. Those two boys may have new homes in the future – I haven’t decided yet. It’s a work in progress.
Nevertheless, each and every dog who is here at SPK this summer needs: food, fun and entertainment. The four Play Pens on the property are a great way for everyone to have a good time. We rotate the pens with in pairs or by individual dog (those who are more self entertaining.) We have a large supply of beef knuckle bones for their amusement and pleasure (thanks to Lisa McDonald). And that way everyone’s teeth stay clean and shiny.actually
The dogs need to run around and stretch their legs daily. I am now feeling up to taking small groups of dogs on a mile or so walk. I videoed the first walk of the summer. I took Mismo, Dutch, Commando and Ziptie. I had hoped to take Chipper since it was her birthday but she played the day away in a Play Pen with her BFF, Jefe.
Scout and Nacho are the old men of SPK. Scout acts the grumpy ole Uncle and Nacho is Grandpa. Both of them can have the run of the property but at their age, they also need supervision. (Scout needs supervision just because he’s a grump.) Nacho turns 15 years old in twelve days. He’s always been a happy guy. He is no different today. I admire him. And… just like you and me, he will continue to live the best life that he can, hopefully for a long time. You, me and Nacho will never know what’s around the next bend in the trail until we get there. And how exciting is that?
Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me. I feel almost like my self again.
A number of dogs will be leaving SP Kennel over the coming months to start their Life: Part Two. We will bring you the stories as they come. Today, we’ll tell you about six dogs who have retired from SP Kennel – Spark, Driver, Amber, Perky, Decaf and Cloud.
It is always hard to say farewell to our friends who leave the kennel but we do smile at the same time, knowing the dogs are going to great homes and will be the centre of the universe for someone else. To find out more about our retirement philosophy you can read this post or our About The Dogs page (click links), or type ‘retire’ in the search box on the top right and see all our retirement stories.
Essentially we have always felt that the dogs should have the right home at the right time. For some, that will mean never leaving the kennel, for others they might go on to a recreational kennel and for many others, a couch.
Spark has gone to live with Mary-Beth and auntie Malibu (plus a couple of cats) in Anchorage.
Spark is an extraordinarily talented lead dog. He’s a Yukon Quest Champion and has started in six Iditarods and four Yukon Quests plus a bunch of mid-distance races including Copper Basin 300, YQ300 and local Two Rivers races. He’s also an extraordinarily friendly chap and loves everyone. He really fulfilled his destiny as a sled dog and now is fulfilling his destiny to be a couch dog. It’s possible to have two paths in life and he has succeeded in both.
Mary-Beth has sent through this message: “Spark loves to follow Malibu around and see what she is up to. He of course loves to interact with any human, but I’ve learned he wants to say hi and play with every dog, too! At home he enjoys gathering toys to claim as his own and keep them on the couch with him (which he has also claimed as his own). He quickly settled in with my cats Kimba and Kunik and seems particularly intrigued with Kunik. I suspect their bond will only strengthen in time. He is certainly a happy, silly boy!”
We are sorry to see him go but we know Sparkie-doo-dah will be very happy and contented in his new life with Mary-Beth, Malibu and his new cat cousins.
A sincere thank you to Spark’s sponsors Deb and Hunter Davis who have been avid Sparkie supporters since day one. Thanks also to his multitude of fans around the world.
Amber and Driver
Amber and Driver will live together forever with Sherri in Idaho. Sherri is an experienced ski-jourer so they will remain active and have lots of fun around their new local trails. Sherri had been Driver’s sponsor since puppyhood and visited him for the start of Iditarod a few times so they’ve met before, but when Amber met Sherri it was love at first sight for both and they have bonded quickly. They also have a new little terrier mate and some farm animals to meet.
Sherri sent through this message: “Amber and Driver amaze me every day at how well they have adjusted to a new environment, home life and a new person. They also love having each other and do everything together. They have been enamored with the farm animals they now share the ranch with (Driver may be too enamored ). They will be learning to skijor with me next winter and be carting, running and hiking in the warm months until then. They are an absolute joy to be with and I am so grateful to Aliy and Allen for entrusting me with their happy retirement.”
Amber made the team for six Iditarods and three Yukon Quests plus a bunch of mid-distance races. Driver started six Iditarods and is a Yukon Quest champ. He’s also had an interesting race history of mid-distance races. Both are phenomenally talented dogs with quite different skills – Amber near the front or cheerleading from further back, Driver as a mid-team powerhouse.
We are delighted that both Amber and Driver will be very happy and enjoy their retirement.
Many many thanks to Amber’s keen sponsor Candy Kroupa who has been with her from the beginning and to all her fans over the years.
Talented and handsome Perky got to see Nome in the end! He is now living with an active family of mushers/ski-jourers on the Western Coast of Alaska. Perky has a couple of new young people and many canine buddies to enjoy and get to know. Perky is still VERY perky so this active life will suit him best. He looks pretty happy don’t you think?
Perky started two Iditarods and one Quest with a myriad of mid-distance races under his harness. Superior genetics and a great attitude, Perky is an excellent sled dog. We’ll miss this silly, fun-loving boy but know he’ll enjoy being a big fish in Nome.
Suzanne and Brown Clodfelter have been Perky’s sponsor since puppyhood and we thank them from the bottom of our heart for their love and support of him. Thanks to all his fans too!
Strong, happy and silly boy Decaf has gone to live in the Adirondacks with Chemo, Outlaw and Chena plus two German Shepherds (and Mary Beth and Elizabeth). He has settled in well and part of the gang.
Mary Beth writes: “Decaf is adjusting to life here on our Adirondack Homestead just fine! It was interesting to see Chemo, Outlaw and Chena greet him for the first time….they sniffed and inspected him from head to toe….Decaf was as still as could be…..and then it was like “nice to see you again….let us show you around….you are going to love it here!” When we brought the 2 German Shepherds over they looked at Decaf and hardly paid him any attention…..which was awesome… tense moments at all. I think living with 3 sled dogs over the years has really made them more social with all dogs….so one more sled dog to the pack was fine by them!
Decaf is a quick learner….he was scared of the stairs at first and now uses them like a pro….he was a bit apprehensive of the scooter, but now is pulling like the powerhouse I know he is…and he doesn’t even chase the cat….good boy! Outlaw and him like to come inside when we are inside…unlike Chena and Chemo who prefer to spend part of their days outside exploring the fenced in woods. Believe it or not, Decaf turns into that mellow “decaffeinated” coffee litter pup when he is cuddled up on the couch with you… fact he is very calm and relaxed inside! When outside he snifffs, and sniffs and sniffs everything and is in constant motion…..recently he feels its his responsibility to hide all the dog toys in holes…..many new smells to take in and toys to bury out there! Outlaw, Whiskey and Decaf often team up for a game of chase….and I caught Chena play bowing to her younger brother when she thought no one was looking. Chemo loves having Decaf around because Decaf sometimes walks away from his food, and Chemo has gotten a few extra meals out of the deal. Yesterday was the first day I hooked all 4 up to the Fat Max Scooter….we ran our woods trails and everyone did great!
I got to thank Aliy for once again picking a PERFECT addition to our little pack….he adds energy, youth, power and a fun loving “goofiness” that makes us all laugh!”
Decaf started four Iditarods and one Yukon Quest plus a bunch of mid-distance races. His endless energy was an asset and his happy demeanour was so important to the team. We’re very happy for him and know he’ll enjoy his new life.
Decaf with Chena in leadDecaf running the Chemo (lead) and OutlawDecaf running with Chemo (in lead) and Outlaw
Special thank to Decaf’s sponsors Dawn Engler and Amy Baird – they were incredibly dedicated and loving fans of his. Thanks also to his many Dog Fan club fans.
Little Cloudy has gone to live with her sponsor Barb in New York state. Barb made the trip north last season to cheer her girl on in the Yukon Quest 300. Barb writes: “Cloud seems happy and is adjusting to the routine around here. It has been rainy since we got to NY, so lots of indoor play and cuddling. In between showers we have been on a couple of short hikes. Cloud loves to show off her speed but sticks with the pack and comes when called. Early two cool mornings (even some fresh snow) we were able to hook up for a five mile run. Cloud wasn’t too sure about our frequent stops at water holes.”
Cloud came into her own in the last couple of seasons. This young gal made the Iditarod team at 2 and impressed us all! She is a tough sled dog, has a sassy streak and is friendly with a lovely smile. She will enjoy her new life. Thank you to all her Dog Fan Club fans.
Please note: thanks for all the interest in adopting a retired SPK dog. As of now, all the dogs have new homes and families to go to or are staying at SP Kennel, so we are not looking for any more homes.
One of our favourite post-season tasks is having the privilege to receive, read and reply to the many letters we receive from students who were studying the Iditarod and had picked Aliy as their musher to follow.
There are so many heartfelt messages and drawings and this year they really lifted spirits all round!
A shout-out to all the teachers who use the Iditarod in their lessons and introduce a new generation of fans to our incredible sport. It’s been a tough year for teachers but they keep on keeping-on and we appreciate that.
So, a huge thank you to all the students who took the time to write to Aliy and to all the teachers who encouraged them.
Thanks also to Padee for her help with the letters this year.
Remember, our Husky Homeroom is still available for students and teachers (and anyone else who’d like to learn about our amazing dogs, sport and state).
First and foremost, always – thank you to Amber, Bill, Bruno, Chevie, Chipper, Cloud, Commando, Decaf, Driver, Five, Gravy, Jefe, Mismo, Nacho, Nomex, Peach, Perky, QT, Razz, Rodney, Scooby, Scout, Spark, Violet, Wu and Ziptie. They are why we even do this and even though only 14 started the race, all of them contributed in some way to getting the team to the start line… yes, even Ziptie!
Doug, Kaz and Sam – THANKS. Thanks also to our SP Kennel village of Padee, Wendy, Wes, Lisa, Karolyn, Mark, Bridgett, Barbara, Linda and Moira who all helped in one capacity or another through the season. Thank you all, we couldn’t do it without you.
Matson are our super sponsor and heart. We have loved being part of the Matson Alaska family and can’t begin to describe how much your support has meant to us all. We appreciate that you have been with us in good times and not so good. We missed seeing you before the race and stopping for hotdogs during the Ceremonial Start.
North Pole Veterinary Hospital and Dr Rouge made sure our athletes were in tip-top shape for the race. Your care and expertise are much appreciated. Howling Dog Alaska’s harness system is the best there is, and we are so pleased to be representing you. Thanks to Joanna and the team at Headlites for the light-up collars all our athletes wore on the race and during training. Christmas trees and leprechauns all the way! Bob and Jeanne Huston are always on board – thank you.
Allen, Commando and Aliy (taken March 26)
Extra thanks to Mark Nordman, Rob Urbach, and all the race organisers and staff for even putting on a race! It was a real challenge and you executed it brilliantly under trying and changing conditions. Your care and consideration of everyone involved was appreciated. The race sponsors (click link to Iditarod page) deserve special mention and if you feel inclined, please drop them a line of thanks – it’s not easy being an Iditarod sponsors these days.
So many race volunteers to thank. Every one of you made the staging of this race possible and we thank you from even further than the bottom of our hearts! The sacrifices you made to volunteer during a pandemic for the love of the race was inspiring.
Thanks to all the other competitors – well done and congratulations for even making the start line. Congratulations to Dallas Seavey – number five looks good on you. To Aaron, Brent, Wade and Mille – congrats on your top five finishes. To Dakota and Victoria – nice job! And to everyone in between – congratulations. To those that didn’t quite make the finish – we feel your pain but we hope you know that your dogs are still the best dogs. As are ours.
This year we have some new people to thank for a new reason. To the race officials and volunteers in Rohn – a sincere and heartfelt thank you for caring for Aliy and the team as you did. And to the volunteers at McGrath for taking over the care of the team until they made it home. To the ARCC, as well as the Alaska State Troopers for coordinating and, of course, the Alaska Air National Guard’s 210th Rescue Squadron for flying to Rohn during the middle of the night to pick up Aliy, the field treatment you administered and for safely bringing her to Anchorage. Also thanks to the team at Providence Alaska Medical Center in Anchorage for their excellent medical assistance and communication. It will be a long recovery but all of your actions on the night meant so much to us kept the injuries from being worse.
Special thanks to all our SPK Team Members for 2020-21 season – Dawn B, Lisa Barricella, Becky & Alex, Mirjam Bolengo, Karen Boyko, Arin Melissa Brenner, Karolyn & John Bristol, Kris Callahan, Metta Canez, Cathy & Laurie, Timothy Clark, Cole Elementary School, COL (ret) Dan Collins, Ashley Conner, Carolyn Davis, Marilynn Davis, Nancy Diersen, Phil Dietrich & Rebecca Ferns, Dorothy & Girlee, Rebecca Emerson, Dana & Jerry Evans, Kethy Ferrell, Alice Fitzgerald – Timber Creek Kennel, Bethany Fletcher, Tonia Freeman & Herb Hughes, Erica Giuliani, Denise D. Glass, Karin Gobbel, Jill Graff, Helen Gross, Marti Guarin, Deb Gunter, Mark L Gum, Sandra Hawkins, Chica Hopwood-Dean, Joanne & Denali, Lisa C Hutto, Jenn King, In Memory of Lynn Knowlden, Stephanie Kuhns, Ron & Julie LaPoint, Helen Looker, Kari Longshore, Val Lycette, Lyn MacDougall, Sonny Tocho Machak, Dorothy M McCain, Lisa McDonald, Karen McGillvray, Cathy McGrath, The McIntosh Family, Gaye Morgan-Walton, Bob & Jane Nelson, Nessmuk & Shanti, Lezlee Pardo, Klaus-Dieter Paull, Juleen Payne, Cindi Perdue, Heidi Phillips, Stephanne Pleshette, Tommy Poelker, Louise Rathswohl, Kay Richardson, Debi Riley, Dana Robertson, David Robertson, Ruth Robertson, MaryLynn Roush, Donna Scarlett, Cindy Schaus, Steve Slocum, Jeanne Seward Wallberg, Ann Shillington, In Memory of Tom Shillington, “Doc” Spencer, Kay Spencer, Midnight Steiner, The Straw Ladies – Charlene & Lisa, The Stuarts, Barbara Swenson, Toni Tadolini, Tammy, Susan, Willow & Palmer, Sue Thelen, Barbara Thompson, Tim, Holly, Sissy and Scooter, Tatum Trivyzas, Team Trzaskos, Tuff, Bismarck & Tart, Cindy Udarbe, Nina Watson, Suzie Weiss, Harry & Diana Workmon, Maryellen Wright, Bill & Sue Wyman & ‘The Pack’, Ashley & Courtney Zirkle, Carolyn & John Zmyewski.
Thanks also to our individual dog sponsors, VIPs, SP Kennel Champions, Dog Fan Club members and other supporters.
To everyone reading this blog – for your comments, likes, views and shares – thank you. We enjoy bringing you into the SP Kennel world.