Dog health is paramount in the Iditarod. As such, the pre-race veterinary checks are rigorous and detailed. Check out the ‘Veterinary Centre’ page on for details information about this (click here for link).
Every dog that starts the Iditarod will have had a full blood panel, an ECG, and a physical veterinarian examination to ensure they are fit and able to run the race. Vaccinations must be up to date and all dogs are dewormed prior to the race. Dr Stu Nelson, Head Veterinarian, and his team considers all the test results before deeming a dog to be fit to start.
This week 18 potential Iditarod team members to got their ‘warrant of fitness’. First up were the physical exams with Dr Rouge from North Pole Veterinary Hospital. Dr Rouge came to the kennel to perform the exams.
The first thing that happens in both the physical checks and the blood testing and ECGs is the microchip for each dog is read and recorded on all official forms. This microchip is checked all the way down the trail and it, along with the identification tag each dog will wear in the race, help vets identify the dogs as they travel checkpoint to checkpoint.
During the physical check the dogs’ temperatures, weights and heart rates are recorded then the vet does a hands-on exam and completes a check sheet (above). As all our dogs are handled from birth they are used to having their ears looked into, their mouths and teeth checked, range of motion tested and their feet examined. In saying that though there are some that just don’t like their feet touched!
Violet checks Dr Rouge for treats
Tiny, 33lb Chipper is examined by Dr Rouge
The next day was Blood Draw and ECG day at Dr Dees in Fairbanks. Tabitha and her five-strong team of vet techs from all over the country volunteer their time to work with our athletes. This is a very experienced crew who obviously love what they do and it shows! Thank you team for your care and attention.
Two vials of blood are drawn from each athlete, one for a Chemistry Panel to check liver, kidney and pancreas function and the second is a Blood Count for red and white blood cells, making it a comprehensive screen.
The ECG checks electrical function of the heart and the reviewing cardiologist will look for any cardiac arrhythmia that would rule a dog out from racing.
Driver has his ECG
Cloud and Chipper compete for smallest and cutest
Chipper about to be expertly manoeuvred onto her side for her ECG
Big, brave Bruno needing some extra scritches
Dr Bill knows there’s some treats somewhere!
Violet caught in another ‘possum in the headlights’ pose
Sparky has blood taken for his blood panel
Rodney sneaks extra loving
Perky has his ECG
Aliy sent through this message: “Allen’s been worried about keeping track of me this Iditarod since he won’t be on the trail. The Iditarod Vet Techs had the solution today. I got my own microchip!” (jk)
Please note: Strict COVID protocols were followed by everyone involved, every step of the way over the two days. We’ll explain some of the protocols in another post.
Top notch Musher Mama. Top notch dogs. Top notch vets and techs. Top notch team. Equals: FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!
Thank you for such a detailed post about the vet checks! I love all the behind the scenes info! All of the pics were so great but the last one is the winner!!
I love the pictures, especially the one of Dr. Bill waiting for those treats!
GO ALIY! Iditarod starts in one week!! I am cheering you on from NC!
I’m here in CT ready to follow you on another great race. Karen
Great pictures with a lot of chuckles. Violet and Dr. Bill–so funny but your micro chip takes the cake!!!
Allen can watch with us–you are super tough Aliy!! Will watch from South Texas and go SPK!!!!!
Love your Aliy Zirkle SPKennel face mask. We are anxiously waiting for the race. You folks have had some challenging temperatures to train in. Stay safe
LOL LOL .. except the microchip would only help them know it was you when you wandered into a vet clinic as a stray and they could read it!
I see it in Violet’s eyes, did Dr Rouge bite someone, why the muzzle?

This looks like the most extensive vet check post ever. Thank you for so many wonderful pictures and the inside scoop.
Yes, that is a pretty cool mushing mask.
Thanks for sharing precious moments from the vet check! I hope all 18 passed with flying colors!!

Chipper & Violet seem unfazed and quite used to the routine. Go SPK!!
18 healthy athletes to choose from…narrowing it down to 14 is always difficult….cool to see Chipper and Driver once again in the mix…and it would be super cool to see Dr Bill make the Team….wish they could all go! LOL…glad Allen will not “lose” Aliy on the trail!
We have been thinking of you often in Cincinnati. Our hearts go with you as you do this retirement Iditarod Race. Enjoy it!! We know you will bring the heat SPK style. Go Gravy! Love, the Freeman’s. Sissy and Scooter have us howling you on!