To celebrate a glorious training run today, we have done a double Dog Fan Club Draw!
Congratulations to Barbara Householder who is a fan of Chevie and Lynn Budzak who is a Mismo fan.

Barbara and Lynn both win a packet of SP Kennel M&M’s, a Fan Club Winner Certificate and a glam shot their dog. We’ll get those out to you as soon as we can.
Chevie is a tall, thin leggy gal. She has a light grey fur coat and a saunter to go with it. She is youthful and full of energy. Her sass makes her a favorite of all the boys at SPK. Fingers crossed that she makes another Iditarod Team.
Mismo is one of the main dudes. While he is older, he is also wiser. He might not keep up with the youngsters, but who do you think we find snoring on the sofa bed after the training run? Mimso is the oldest dog in training for the Iditarod this season and he will need some good fortune to make the super competitive squad for 2021.
Here is a video from a couple hours later during the training run in Two Rivers. Pretty, eh?
And after the run…
To find out more about our athletes look at the “Dogs” page. To join the Dog Fan Club you can hit the “Become a Dog Fan” tab at the top of the page or click here. We will have a Fan Club Draw twice a month or more during race time and special events. It’s fun. Support your dog or dogs!
Congratulations Mismo and Chevie! Those halibut skins seemed quite the hit! It has been a bit of a posting dry spell so thanks so much for taking us along on your run along the Chena- enjoyed the extra long clip of the team- even if the “big guy” must have been up ahead with Allen’s team. Everybody seems upbeat and loving what they’re doing. Keep your eye on the ball SPK athletes! Happy trails!!!
Congrats to the Dog Fan Club winners….Chevie and Mismo are doing SPK proud!!!! Loved the videos!
Thanks for the video of peaceful trail and gentle turns–Sweet! Happy Dogs Too!
Congrats to the winners and those 2 special dogs of the day!
Very pretty training run. Good dogs!