The 2020 Holiday season is quickly coming to an end. With that we will celebrate a new year. The changing of the year brings with it an opportunity to change our lives… if only just a little. What do you want to change? What are your resolutions? Your desires? Your wishes? For your self or for the world?
We asked all of the dogs at SPK what they wanted most for the New Year. Some wanted to better themselves and some wanted better opportunities. Some dogs wanted more kisses or hugs and some wanted more kibble.
It’s a diverse and complicated world and everyone seems to have their own hopes and dreams.
It will soon be a new year. It’s up to you, it’s up to me, it’s up to all of us, to try to make it a better one.
Thank you for that inspiring message. I agree 100%. Each day is as good or bad as we make it. We should try to stay positive in every situation.
I look forward to seeing you race next year! It’s your year to win Iditarod 2020!
Typo. I meant Iditarod 2021
Loved this video…..Chena, Chemo and Outlaw all gathered round when they heard Aliy’s voice… fun to hear their New Year Resolutions!!!! I hope all their promises come true…..Happy New Year everyone!!!
This is a precious video. It’s a keeper. Best wishes for a fantastic 2021 to the entire SPKennel team, both canine and human. Love these dogs and love their unique personalities. Scout & Nacho

Happy New Year to everyone.
What a wonderful treat! I hope all your hopes, dreams, wishes and resolutions come true in 2021 SPK!!!!
This is so much fun! It is a treat to see you one-on-one with all of those very special pups….love the resolutions!! I hope that 2021 will be the very best year for all of you at SPK…humans and canines alike..and that all your hopes and dreams come true!
Happy New Year to everyone…cheers!!
That was a great video. Thanks for taking the time to make it. It was really fun to see each dog, up close and personal. Best wishes in 2021.
Love the message!! I surely bet Chena, Outlaw and Chemo could hear your voice Aliy!! How wonderful!
Hoping everyone a Happy New Year as this past year has been challenging for everyone! Looking forward!!
Hugs and many Kisses to the Dogs and Thanks to all at SP Kennel Crew!
Such truth: if our hair is straight, short-we want it long, curly!!
And Commando, you’re “my” dog: I’m cheering for you to lead Aliy and the team on
an outstanding Iditarod!
Happy New Year to ALL. Good luck racing Iditarod 2021. Hope this will be your year to crush it and WIN.
Well, well. We thoroughly enjoyed this video. Decaf, no resolution? Thinking maybe you keep rocking on and help your buds across the Iditarod finish line first. Ok?
And what about a girlfriend for you? Huh?
And Commando, I met you on that race 2016. Steely-eyed, serious. I have a pic of you that you look right through the camera at me. Like you were already seeing the finish line. It’s time. Lead that team Mister. You got this.
Wishing everyone at SP KENNELS a great 2021 loved seeing all the dogs one on one with Aliy .
May you have Happy Trails and Happy Dogs ,
Best wishes from Joanne & Denali , Melbourne , Australia.