The leaves are turning, we’ve flipped the calendar to October, the temperatures are falling and the days are getting shorter – it must be mushing season!
Aliy and Allen are excited to start hooking up some dogs and get this season underway! Our first run of the season will be this weekend and the dogs are ready. We have all had a long summer: digging, playing, running around, wrestling and basking in the sunshine.
As most people know, 2020 was Allen last year to race the Yukon Quest. Allen had several hurdles and physical challenges to get thru besides the actually running of the YQ (which is never easy!!). But he did it all and crossed the finish line with a resounding: “ Whew. I did it!” But it was very clear that it was the perfect time for him to hang up his racing gear for good.
For Aliy, she has some unfinished business on the Iditarod Trail. So, she is determined to give it her best efforts (again) in 2021. As she always says… “if you truly do your very best, then you have to be content.” So the goal in 2021 if for her to do just that…. one more time. So, yes… this may be Aliy’s last year to race the Iditarod.
As we all know, it takes a supportive team to run the Iditarod: dogs, as well as human. Allen and Aliy will be working and training hand in hand – as they have been for many years – to prep for the March event. Moira will be SP Kennel’s (virtual) manager. As per usual, SP Kennel will have dog lovers and supporters in the mix, but we will have no full time dog handler in Two Rivers. Now seems as good of a time as any to refine, and reduce.
We are looking forward to sharing this last season with you on our website and through Social Media.
We’d also love your support if you find yourself in a position to help. We have two different ways you can still be part of the SP Kennel magic this season. This year we are offering one Join the Team option – “The SPK Team” and these memberships will be available starting from October 17th thru the Iditarod.
The other way you can support is to join the Dog Fan Club.
This is a fun and interactive way to show your love for your favourite canine athlete (or athletes, can you really just choose one?) The Dog Fan Club will open on November 1st. We’ll post more information about both of these programmes closer to the time so watch this space!
If you haven’t checked out Husky Homeroom yet, go ahead and take a peek.
This is a fun, husky themed, online eduction program for kids (as well as any dog lover). Every Monday , September thru mid December 2020, Aliy and the SPK dogs will post a 20-minute video Lesson on science, fitness, nutrition, Alaska studies and more.
Recently, Aliy did a 40-minute podcast for Iditarod’s: “Tails from the Trail”. If you care to listen, then here is the link:. IDITAROD PODCAST
We’re ready! Are you?
I am cheering you on, Aliy!! You’re in for the win in the 2021 Iditarod!! I have a feeling this next Iditarod will be the best one yet!!!
I can’t wait for my sled dog racing adventures to begin! I hope I get to go to college at UAF, because then I can start my sled dog career as soon as possible!!
Oh my! Last season. Boo boo lips going on amongst your fans! BUT, we still love ya, gonna route ya on, and be prepared for the on screen screaming!
Go SP Kennel!
I assumed it was coming…damn….but hey…it’s all good…enjoy the final year knowing we are all supportive and smiling for ya!
You know you have our love and support now and whatever future trails bring.
The Straw Ladies
Sorry to hear this but still supporting you all the way whichever way you go from the UK. Good luck in everything you do.
I’m ready! I’m wishing you a season of fun and fulfillment….and one with no surprises
. This fan is ready to follow you and your awesome canine athletes one more time.
Always feared this was coming. So proud of all your work. Being a member of both the red and black teams when I could. Wishing you both great success this season.
Oh no! Say it isn’t so. Not last season for the Red Team. Can’t wait to start rooting for Commando and The SPK Team this season!!! Gotta admit though, I likely will be secretly hoping and praying for a change of heart
Happy Trails!!
Really going to miss you all very much. You have given my family and of course millions of others so much fun and joy following you. Looking forward to March 2021. We will be cheering so loud you may even hear us from the U.K. good luck for your future.
Margaret we’ll have to co-ordinate our shouts and howls just to ensure that Aliy hears us. Hope you are keeping well. Trish
Very excited to follow you on your last Iditarod Aliy!! Hope you and the dogs can bring on the win!!!