I did it again! I entered the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in 2021. I have dotted my i’s and crossed all my t’s and my Official Entry to the 2021 Race has been received. Sign up has been available online since June 4th. But in our ever changing and unpredictable world, I chose to wait to sign up until today. This past week, Iditarod CEO Rob Urbach and Race Director, Mark Nordman hosted a Virtual Iditarod Town Hall. They laid out three approach plans for the race under various global pandemic conditions. I very was pleased that they put much thought into future layout and planning. Of course, the race is over 8 months away and anything can happen.

As Allen and I look forward to this coming mushing season, we have to admit that SP Kennel continues to evolve. Allen does not plan to race either the Yukon Quest or the Iditarod. After 10 Quests and 11 Iditarods, he is done. This, of course, will be my 21st consecutive Iditarod and my 24th consecutive year of racing a 1,000 mile race. This Fall, our dog population will be a comfortable 24 individuals. This will be the perfect number of dogs that Allen and I can train and enjoy together.
We still have an amazing group of canine individuals who are genetically fabulous and spiritually motivated. Over these summer months, we will retire several more select dogs to people best suited as a forever homes.
Today, after my entry to the Iditarod was sent, I found myself looking down a long paw print path into the past but going on ahead into the future. As many of you know, some fantastic dogs – truly the hearts and souls of SP Kennel – have retired and/or passed away in the past five years. When I look down this paw print path I see these wonderful dogs and I see the amazing places that they have taken me. I see the incredible life that I have now and I am forever grateful that this hearty team of huskys have drug me here. I see ChaCha and her “Car Litter” pups, I see Dingle and Pud, I see Biscuit and his offspring, I see Waylon and all the Honeytonks, I see Ash and her Spice pups, I see the Candy Bar litter. When I look way down the trail and I see: Pedro, AJ, Pingo, Rosco, Roger, Rubia, Roller, Flood and Fats. Of course I see Quito leading all of them. These dogs (and many more) have lived life large, gone on tremendous journeys and have been with me during some of the most special moments of my 50 years of life. I thank them all tremendously for simply… being my dogs.
Now, let’s look forward toward the 2021 Iditarod…
I took a moment to look back and one of the final acts of the 2020 Iditarod is to try to thank everyone that helped us. Thank you seems such a little thing to say when you all contributed so much to us but… here goes:
Firstly, thanks to all our canine friends. The Iditarod team of Amber, Bruno, Chevie, Cloud, Decaf, Dutch, Five, Jefe, Junior, Kodiak, QT, Rodney, Spark and Violet were amazing. Thanks also to all the other dogs at the kennel as each one of them helped get the team to the start line and their contribution was just as big as those that made the team: Bronze, Cayenne, Champ, Chipper, Clyde, Commando, Driver, Gold, Iron, Mismo, Nomex, Peach, Perky, Razz, Sanka, Scooby, Bill, Gravy and Wu with support from Nacho, Olivia, Scout, Tig and Zip.
Thanks to the SPK crew: Karolyn who was unwavering in her support for us this year and spent hours and hours caring for, training and loving our dogs. Thanks Karolyn. We had hands-on help from so many people through the season including Ryan, Linda, Padee, Lisa, Wendy, Wes and Moira. You are all awesome!
Heartfelt thanks to our sponsors and supporters – we couldn’t do this without you. We appreciate our long-standing friends at Matson of Alaska for financial and moral support, to Joanna at Headlites for the amazing light-up collars we use out on the trail, T Rose Vet for her love and care for our dogs, Ivana at Howling Dog Alaska for our excellent harnesses, the team at North Pole Vet for being amazing, the guys at Kenai Satellite Phone Rentals for the use of their technology, Lisa at AB Consulting for her support and Jeanne and Bob Huston who are ‘always on board’.
We always thank the race officials and volunteers but this year presented extraordinary circumstances. The way you were able to be fluid in your approach this year, and keep all the competitors and locals safe in the face of an unprecedented global event was awe-inspiring. It is a difficult job to stage this race in the best of years so this year was a triumph.
Over the twenty years we have been doing this race, we’ve learned so much from race veterinarians and vet techs and this year was no different. We really value the relationship with the entire vet crew and your dedication to the canine athletes is plainly evident. Thank you for all you do to help us keep our dogs in the best shape.
One of the best parts of racing the Iditarod is to visit the villages that host our checkpoints along the way. We appreciate all you do for us from setting up pop-up checkpoints, cooking stews and soups and baking bread, welcoming us into your village and wishing us well as we leave. and look forward to seeing some of you again next year.
We’d also like to thank every single one of the race sponsors. It’s sometimes tough being an Iditarod sponsor and we acknowledge all the race supporters for sticking by the race. Please if you feel inclined, send them an email or Facebook comment to thank them for supporting the Iditarod. You can find a link here of race sponsors.
Thank you to our fellow competitors. It was a tough one for extraordinary reasons and it was awesome to be out there with y’all.
Iditarod fans are a dedicated, enthusiastic bunch and we love you! Thanks for supporting the race, now more than ever.
Special thanks to all our Red Team members: Leanna Anderson, Julie Atkinson, Lisa Barricella, Sam Bolick, John & Karolyn Bristol, William Burkel, Cathy & Laurie, Lila Cartledge, Timothy Clark, Cindy Cowling, Marilyn Cozzens, Joe D & Dorothy M McCain, Sharon D & Susan P, Marilynn Davis, Nancy Diersen, Fergus & Hamish Emerson, Timons Esaias, Kathy Ferrell, Freeman Family, Bill Gates, Girlee & Dorothy, Erica Giuliani, Jill Graff, Helen Gross, Marti Guarin, Debbie Gunter, Kathy & Jay Henningsen, Chica Hopwood-Dean, Kate, Badger, Tracker & MooMoo, Lynn Knowlden, Stephanie Kuhns, Layman Crew, Diane Lillis, Rae Long Memorial, Kari Longshore, Val Lycette, Lyn MacDougall, Kenny & Lisa Mace, Merric Machak, Vivian & Greg Martin, Lisa McDonald, The McIntosh Family, Karen McGillivray, Gaye Morgan-Walton, Bob & Jane Nelson, Nessmuk & Shanti, The Orlandi Family, Becky Pacas, Lezlee Pardo, Juleen Payne, Aaron Phelps, Heidi Phillips, Tommy Poelker, Shannon Powell, Angela & Bob Pressley, Louise Rathswohl, Ruth Robertson, Frankie Geno Rocco, Mary Lynn Roush, Donna Scarlett, Cindy Schaus, Jeanne Seward-Wallberg, Midnight Steiner, Ann Stephenson, The Straw Ladies, Tammy, Sue, Willow & Palmer, Toni Tadolini, Sue Thelen, Barbara Thompson, Andrea Trzaskos, Tuff, Bismarck & Tart, Marji Venden, Nina Watson, Penny Webster, Crystal Windgassen, Diana & Harry Workmon, Maryellen Wright, Bill & Sue Wyman & The Pack, Ashley & Courtney Zirkle, Carolyn & John Zmyewski. Your support directly helped the team to the start line and beyond.
We’d also like to thank all our individual dog sponsors, SP Kennel Champions, Black Team members, Dog Fan Club members and other supporters. You are all very important to us.
Your paw print path brought a tear to my eyes, so many memories.
Whoo hoo! Another Iditarod to watch! Plus?…
Go team Go!
We are all so proud to be “along for the ride” with you – WOOF WOOF WOOF. SP Kennel is the best!!!
Wow….that is quite the Paw Path….what great memories on the trail with your best buds! We are all in a time that is evolving….lots of reflection and yes, uncertainty. I’m glad to hear Iditarod is planning various contingencies for the race….this is not the time to just hope by March all will be fine. Glad you are signed up and ready. You and Allen can manage 24 athletes with ease….and of course with a smile! Thank you both for all YOU do to make SPK such an awesome kennel to support!
Wow, guess I can’t say Allen’s “retirement” is unexpected but the YQ won’t be the same without him. As fans, I am sure we can’t totally understand the commitment and effort that goes into your lifestyle (despite all your efforts to educate us through the years :). We appreciate you letting us tag along and live vicariously the excitement and joy of running your dog teams. The listing of all the dogs was touching, we have been following SPK since 2014 when we listened to your presentation on one of the Princess trains and so many of these names resonate with us. Good luck and best wishes with the Iditarod this year, we will be cheering the team on.
We’ve already starting rooting for you!
So happy you have signed up for Iditarod 2021. You are an example of everything the Iditarod should be. We have never seen anyone who loves and cares for her dogs more than you. You are a wonderful example of how any competitor should be. We will be cheering for you in Iditarod 2021.
That is an impressive wall of race bibs! The SPKennel paw path is impressive too! One of the things that I have always liked about SPKennel is that you keep a manageable number of dogs and that allows you to know and care for each of them individually. They are family….a very large family
So much has changed in our world In recent months and I hope by March 2021 we will be putting this all behind us.
Thank you for giving us an opportunity to ride along with you on your sled dog racing adventures!
I hear what your heart is saying and feel sad about Allen not racing but he will be in the training mode
I’m sure. What a big help! As was said, I too think of many names you put out. Queen Quito on top!
It has been such a treat for us fans with the way you run SP Kennel. Taking us down the trail with you!
Looking forward to the Iditarod already!
Read on the Iditarod website that this will be your last Iditarod. You will be missed by MANY! Sadness aside, Dave & I congratulate both of you on your successful careers and retiring. You have earned it. You, Allen and the doggies are the best.
Dear Aliy and Allen,
I am so sorry that Allen has retired and that this will be your last Iditarod. You have both been so influential and I might add great ambassadors to the sport. You will be very much missed. Your integrity, your class, your skills, your competitiveness, and your love of both the sport and especially your dogs show through in every race. The people that support your teams and your website have also been outstanding. You set a standard with the evolvement of this blog. I really will miss your smiling face and upbeat attitude. Best to you.
So glad that you entered your last Iditarod! Will be sad to see you retire but I hope you keep the blog
Just caught up with the latest news that Allen has retired and that you will be heading down the retirement paw path after the 2021 . At first l was deeply saddened , which made be influenced a little bit by what’s happening in the world. But then l headed down the memory path and got out previous Iditarod race videos.
SP kennel. Thanks for the happy trails love Joanne Bechaz and Denali the Golden Retriever 
Now l am excited for 2021 Race to begin (In what ever form) so l can follow Aliy’s red team one last time …hope Jefe will be helping you along.
So from your Number one fans from Melbourne Australia We
Dear Aliy and Allen,
As so many have said, I, too, will SO greatly miss SPK in the long races. Over the years I’ve watched numerous racers/kennels in both sprint and long races, but few of those “favorite” mushers have ever reached the class of musher/ambassador/dog lover which you both have achieved on my personal scale. All the attributes mentioned by previous folks are so true, but you are both just real nice people in addition to all the above. Even when it isn’t your “year” or “race”, you love what you are doing and the obvious love affair between musher and dogs is something the rest of us admire and honor by following your kennel. I’m looking forward to one more Iditarod and wish you both (and all the pups too!) the absolute best in whatever the future holds. Thank YOU both for taking me and the rest of us on this amazing journey with you!
Always reppin’ SPK here in Georgia. Always here to support you.
Laine Family