My hand is cramped. That’s my only complaint. Normally we send the “We Made it to Nome!” postcards from… well, Nome. But the situation being what it is, the Nome Postcards didn’t make it to Nome (we should have packed them in my dog sled. Ha!)

Anyhow, as I mentioned I was going to get them written and sent this week. Okay. I might have said “mailed by Thursday” and I do realize that it is now Saturday. Trailside Mail Post Office is open today until 2PM so my drop off is @ 1PM. (NOTE: the international postcards are delayed until I can get to a Post Office in Fairbanks. We are now under a State-Wide ‘Shelter in Place’ mandate so… well. I just don’t know when they will be posted.)
Anyhow… Done!
(And don’t feel sorry for me… my hand was cramped already from ski poling 1,000 miles on Iditarod. It’s not a new complaint.)
Glad to see everybody back in Two Rivers safe and sound. Congrats on the Humanitarian Award again!
Laine Family
Kennesaw, GA
Wow…that is a lot of post cards!! Glad you had some help! You certainly gave your nifty Dog Pen a good workout! Check it off the list!
I’m sure kennel chores will keep you busy as you safely shelter in place! Our thoughts are with the entire SPK Family, especially Allen’s daughters working on the medical front lines!
Echo Mary Beth. Prayers for Allen’s daughters And every medical professional or person impacted by this throughout the world. We will get through this together! And maybe one year The Iditarod can symbolically transport the vaccine( Once we have one ) To honor both the serum run and what the world has been going through Currently. This wasn’t my original idea but I really like the idea
One of my favorite podcasts suggested it this year :- sending love to you guys and the dogs, and to SPK nation :-))
you did a fantastic job as always! You still did incredibly well. Your fans are proud of you. It just wasn’t meant to be this year. Even if you guys had had your best year, You wouldn’t have gotten the celebration that you deserve. That definitely wasn’t true for Thomas this year. And when a woman wins The Iditarod again, I hope it will be you, and I definitely hope I will be screaming for you. This year, I was too distracted by what was going on in The lower 48 and the rest of the world to give my full attention to the Iditarod. It’s been sad and my heart is breaking for everyone affected. But next year, hopefully this will all be behind us, The Iditarod will go on as normal, and you will have many more years of successful trips, weather Or not you win. Winning is not what is most important. This year, more than any other year, has brought that home to me. Regardless, my heart will always cheer for you Ally.
I’m really happy you guys are safe and sound 
PS. Sorry about the typos. I’m dictating to my phone and it’s not really cooperating with me in terms of spelling and grammar
you did a fantastic job as always! You still did incredibly well. Your fans are proud of you. It just wasn’t meant to be this year. Even if you guys had had your best year, You wouldn’t have gotten the celebration that you deserve. That definitely wasn’t true for Thomas this year. And when a woman wins The Iditarod again, I hope it will be you, and I definitely hope I will be screaming for you. This year, I was too distracted by what was going on in The lower 48 and the rest of the world to give my full attention to the Iditarod. It’s been sad and my heart is breaking for everyone affected. But next year, hopefully this will all be behind us, The Iditarod will go on as normal, and you will have many more years of successful trips, weather Or not you win. Winning is not what is most important. This year, more than any other year, has brought that home to me. Regardless, my heart will always cheer for you Aliy . Ever since I’ve started following the Iditarod, you’ve been my favorite musher.
I’m really happy you guys are safe and sound 
PS. Sorry about the typos. I’m dictating to my phone and it’s not really cooperating with me in terms of spelling and grammar
Congrats Aliy!!!!! Just found out you won the Leonard Seppala Humanitarian Award! See, you are a winner and we fans know it!
SP Kennel is the best. Period.
Wishing you a “stay safe stay home” – just like here in CT – relaxing (hopefully for not too very long) time, can’t wait to get the post cart and congratulation for your record 6th win of the dog care award!!!
WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am proud to be an SPK supporter – Humanitarian Award for the 6th time.
Waiting for our mail!!
Congratulations on winning the Leonard Seppala Award…..again!! Truly a testimony to SPKENNEL values, and love of your dogs (although they ARE more than just dogs). Beemer and Viper are the fantastic dogs that they are because of the way they were raised at SPKENNEL. Everyone stay safe in these uncertain times.
Agree with everything said above. It is so special that again you have been recognized for outstanding dog care! Well deserved!
I have to say that Ziptie has become a strikingly handsome young fellow, even half asleep!
Thank you for all you do for us fans. Stay home, stay safe.
Thank you, Aliy, for my postcard. It made it to Delaware in just 5 days!! I love being part (albeit a tiny part) of the SP Kennel “family.” I am enjoying sharing your adventures with my young granddaughters too.
Thanks ever so much for the postcard!!!
We send all our similar wishes for best of health, staying safe and being smart (no problem for the SP Kennel 2 and 4 legged residents) – WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!
Arrived Tuesday March 31st in CT
Zip-tie what a sweetie
Please do practice social distancing. Act like everyone one is infected but you, and act like you are infected and no one else is. We don’t want Alaska blowing up like some of us.
I would tell you what my nephew is doing in Santa Clara, but this is no place, just don’t become us please!!! Praying for you!
A huge congratulations for earning the Iditarod XLVIII Leonhard Seppala Humanitarian Award. I understand you are the FIRST musher to win this most coveted award SIX times?!!! We’re so proud of you! <3
Hey, and if you happened to notice who got second place on the Iditarod Trifecta, I happen to know for a fact that person picked YOU to win in 8 days 19 hours 55 minutes and 55 seconds, with 11 dogs. LOL , she was only right about the number of DOGS!
Yes, your team is pro at the speedy trails.
My card arrived today. It's beautiful. Thank you! I hope your hand has recovered.
I hope you still have lots of snow so you can enjoy some social distancing on the trails with your lovely pups.