Time 7.30pm Race Mile 961

The team have climbed almost to the top of Cape Nome and will see Nome ahead of them in just few minutes. They have 14 miles left to go.

The crew on the ground are very excited to see them, as are those of us watching from afar. It is very windy in Nome right now as we watch the live feed the banner and flags are getting a battering. We will be pleased to have them off the trail tonight. Jeff Deeter (16th finisher) said as he was travelling through the infamous blowhole there was no wind at all and it only started in the last stretch so that’s a nice surprise.

The crew have set up the dog yard with straw lined kennels, fleece lined jackets and blankets. There is a hot meal soaking and snacks have been readied – they’ll enjoy frosted beef snacks in the chute.

Once the team arrives they will be greeted by the crew, race officials, volunteers and Nome locals. Aliy will have her mandatory gear checked (vet book, trail mail, ax, sleeping bag, booties, snowshoes, cooker) and sign into a checkpoint for the last time and be officially off the trail. They’ll then make their way down to the dog yard where the vet crew will give the dogs a thorough post race vet exam. The dogs will then get dressed into their pyjamas, have a meal and will be left to sleep for a few hours while the volunteers watch over them in the safe and secure dog yard.

Aliy will head back to the accommodations, will also get into her pyjamas and have a meal and be left to sleep for a few hours. She doesn’t get the vet check though and no one will watch over her as she sleeps. That would be weird.

We might not hear from the crew for a while but I will post some images from the live feed once they cross the line for those that can’t see it live.


Returned Dog Update

Chica, Chevie and Kodiak are confused at new lead dog Midnight

9 Responses

  • Almost there! I would love to help the dogs change into their PJs and tuck them into bed. And maybe snuggle a bit.
    And how wonderful to see the beautiful Chica out and about in Anchorage.

  • I’ll be staying up to watch her cross under the Finish Line! Congratulations team on a race well run! The pups are looking perky and happy and well rested since getting back to Anchorage! Go Aliy! So proud of you!

  • Moira – I am glad you are home safe and sound. I know it must have been disappointing to not be able to stay through the end, but we all do what needs must.

    Stay safe and well.

  • Yum, frosted beef snacks.

    Chica, Chevie, Kodiak and Midnight are gorgeous.

    My bad Aliy, for mentioning a “viscous storm” on the last post. But there ya go proving the point all the way to the finish.

    A bit disappointed I had to go to work last night with just 10 miles to your finish.
    I hope by now you are all tucked in and SLEEPING. <3


    So happy the Red team is successfully through this very special Iditarod.

    Congratulation to all 2 and 4 legged team members!!!

    And thanks for the great reportage!!!

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