Help us make this Holiday Season something to smile about and join us for some SPK Holiday Fun. We are having a Santa’s Best Dressed Dog Elf Contest.  This Christmas entertainment will run for the next 10 days – until Christmas Day – December 25th.

Dog Elf? you ask. Well… yes.

Being only 10 days before Christmas, Santa’s regular elves are very busy. So much so that Santa asked us if he could borrow a few dogs to fill out his Holiday workforce. The five Fire Litter pups – Amber, Commando, Nomex, Spark and Violet – have always enjoyed life. They gladly stepped up and volunteered for this Santa Duty. Those of you who know the Fire Pups… know that they have an affinity for flair! While they agreed to help Santa, they did so with one stipulation: each dog got to dress in their own individual Holiday Best Elf Outfit. To top things off, the Fire Litter pups have always been competitive. (Duh! Ultra competitive racing sled dogs.) But now that they are dressed to impress in their Holiday best, they want YOU to decide:

Who Wears it BEST?

VOTE for your favorite Santa’s Best Dressed Dog Elf

After the voting is tallied, on Christmas Day, we will announce the WINNER. He or she will receive a thank you Christmas steak from Santa. In addition, because we love our Dog Fans… we will select five random Voters (that could be YOU!) who will receive a Dog Elf photo Thank You Cards from their favorite.

Here they are:

Amber showed off her enormous cheer bow


Commando donned ‘black tie’ duds with a Brooks Brothers dark sequin tie


Nomex sported his bright green starred leggings ★


Spark enjoys his comedic look with a big yellow bow tie


Violet insisted that she wear special heart booties


Voting is closed!

This competition could not have been even remotely possible with the incredible Holiday Cheer of Wendy and Karolyn (sorry about the X-mas tree ‘watering’.) Additional holiday wardrobe assistants were Becky and Monica. Jeanne Schnackenberg is our photo editor extraordinaire.  Thank you all so very much. We sure had FUN!

(This is our second “Who Wears it BEST?” Holiday competition. You can read about the first competition HERE and HERE.)


11 Responses

  • Lol….love them all….but there was just something about Nomex “baby big head” and those leggings that made me chuckle!

  • I love all of their elf outfits!! Especially Nomex. I had to vote for him with his cute leggings!

  • I vote for Violet, though it was hard between them all, especially Amber! 🙂 I couldn’t find any other place to vote, so I hope this is the right place!


    Very nice holiday contest!!!

    Any way it turns out, the FIRE LITTER wins!!! All 11 of them – pride in family tree wins!!!

    My vote was for Chena’s best buddy and faux fighter (“BFF”) Commando.

  • Can’t believe the low vote for Amber she wears the big bow so beautifully . I actually wanted to vote for them all 🎄

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