Hi everyone,

I’m loving New Zealand! It’s coming into summer here and the days are quite long. It is starting to get warm during the day so I am continuing to shed my winter coat. Moira says I’ll likely never grow my thick winter coat back again as it rarely gets below freezing here.

My favourite thing to do is run over at the park next-door. We go early each morning and again in the afternoon. Sometimes I go out a third time in the evening too! I have lots of new friends we meet over there. My best friends are a pair of border collies – Sika and Echo that live down the road and are often at the park at the same time as us in the morning. We run and run and run. They have a Goldie brother Harley who doesn’t run as much but I like to say hello to the old fellah. There is a Lab called Bella, a Visla named Rusty and a Kelpie called Ace, I never know who I’m going to see so it’s always fun.

I have discovered the couch! I mostly sleep in one of the many dog beds around the house but I noticed that Nugget sleeps on the couch so one day I tried it. I didn’t get asked to move so have been getting up there more often. It’s really comfortable!

I’m very happy to be here. Thanks to everyone that helped!


7 Responses

  • So glad to hear from ya Lydia! Sounds like you fit right in there with all your new friends! Chena says Hi, and agrees….the couch IS comfy here too!

  • Lydia of light & love… So happy for you and your fans everywhere… Huggzzzz❣️🐾🐾🇺🇲 j in New Mexico

  • Awwww Lydia. Good girl. So glad you’re finding your new home to be homey. Couches are comfy!

  • Glad to get an update about Lydia and that she’s enjoying her new life in New Zealand. Just curious if she ever gets to see her old pack mates Daisy, Felix, Torch and Waylon and how far away they live?? You rock Lydia!!

  • Thanks ever so much for the Lydia update – and it is very instructive to hear about the dog park (or just the field that allow dogs to meet other dogs – is there a policy to “pooper-scoop” after her?).

    And thank you NESSMUK for news of Chena – SP Kennel always said Chena was ready for her present role!!!


  • Nice to hear you are comfy at your new home. Hear you have many friends which is not
    a surprise. SP dogs are super friendly–it’s in your genes also. Love and Kisses Lydia!

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