It’s Dog Fan Club Draw day!
We have so many excited fans that we decided to draw two winners.
Congratulations to Becky Green who is a fan of Commando.
Congratulations to Missy Williams who is a fan of QT.
The human winners each will receive a packet of the treasured SP Kennel M&M’s plus a glam shot of their dogs. We took our dog winners out for a romp in the fresh snow to give them their biscuits:
Commando is one-in-a-million dog. He is in lead often, but also runs back in the team in order to give some ‘up and coming’ lead dogs a chance to train. He is healthy, happy and still has non-stop energy. At six years old he is a main player this season and has the savvy to be able to race fast yet pace himself for a 1,000 mile race Championship. Commando has supreme confidence and enjoys being who he is.
Funny thing… QT is an ‘up and coming’ Commando, so to speak. She has a swagger and a strut that almost matches his. She LOVES being a sled dog and LOVES being a long-legged, pretty gal. She has been running in lead periodically, but she has so much extra energy that whenever we stop for a break she can’t handle standing still. She will circle around and look back impatiently and inevitably tangle herself with the dogs behind her – sometimes even with the dogs behind them! She is learning . We don’t want to teach he to NOT be excited so it’s a work in progress.
To find out more about our athletes look at the “Dogs” page. To join the Dog Fan Club you can hit the “Become a Dog Fan” tab at the top of the page or click here. We will have a Fan Club Draw twice a month or more during race time and special events. It’s fun. Support your dog or dogs!
Congrats to the winners! Love those 2 Dawgs….gorgeous and talented! Glad you all have a nice snow pack started early this winter….that’s encouraging!
Now that was a happy couple of doggies!!!
And…that was SNOW…OMG
Congrats to the winners! Future looks good with these two fantastic dogs! Commando has
been a true winner and glad to see QT follow the lead! Go SPK!
When I happened to watch this adorable video the second time, I used “full screen” mode.
And so I saw towards the very end, Aliy on one knee with the last of the treats, and Commando and QT doing what that position must say to doggies “here I am – come and get me.” And so I believe that was one of the funniest things to be seen – the mighty musher bowled over by her loving 4-legged buddies!!!