Many of you know Tig… the black lab floating in a sea of SP Kennel Alaskan Huskys. She is the dog who is the most “neglected” here because she is very trainable to do… well, black lab stuff. (HERE IS A LINK to “Tig the Helper” Post.) Tig is the most cooperative dog when it comes to Halloween photos or Christmas greeting cards. She is also a Dog Walker’s dream and enjoys trying to keep up with the huskys – although she will never run 1,000 miles, she might ride on an ATV!

Santa Tig… yea I know I’m mean!
Tig rides the ATV as Spark watches.
Ziptie at 7 1/2 weeks

Tig turns 11 years old in August – a big age for a lab. As we know, neither Allen nor I are getting any younger either. We decided we all needed some youth, energy and ZIP! in our lives this summer, so we have welcomed ‘Ziptie’ to the family. She is a Labrador Retriever from Big Lake, Alaska.

Tig is certainly Ziptie’s mentor and is doing a fantastic job. But if I’m being honest, Mismo is her BFF. How can a young puppy resist that puffy tail and happy attitude? She can’t and Mismo plays a pretty great game of “Catch Me!”

How a black lab will ever catch one of the best Alaskan Husky lead dogs is beyond me…. but she tries!

Go Ziptie!

9 Responses

  • Awwwww! What a cute pup! Tiger will teach her well on how to couch potato, glare at the Huskies, and maybe get a table scrap or two?
    Good dawgs!

  • Ziptie is such a cute puppy! I know Tig is a great mentor for Ziptie as she explores the world and meets all the Alaskan husky friends at the kennel. She definitely has a fantastic home with lots and lots of love! I am looking forward to hearing more about Ziptie in the future!


    What fun – and Mismo is making sure to stay in contact-distance with his playmate!!!

    Thank you so very much for this delightful video!!!

  • Hello Ziptie!! She is super cute with Mr. Mismo! Tig will have to teach her how to do all the tasks that Labs do around the Kennel…how fun!

  • Welcome Ziptie! So cute! Tig has been wonderful and will mentor her well. Get ready for
    dress up Ziptie! Congrats Aliy and Allen on the new addition!

  • Ziptie is such an adorable puppy. What a great addition to SPK, & thanks for such a great video. Love the name!

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