Feeling: relaxed.
Thursday in Nome was pretty slow paced. After the first full night of sleep for everyone we woke refreshed.
During the day we spent time in the dog yard, wandered around town and got coffee then Aliy had an interview with Greg Heister of the Insider. A few of us hung in the “Mini” Convention Centre – the Iditarod HQ – to listen to Mayor Richard Beneville performing a Robert Service poetry reading. We wrote out the Dog Fan Club and Team Member postcards ready for posting (hopefully they won’t take six weeks like last year but we have no control over that). We rounded out the day with another visit to the dogyard to give them dinner, then Karolyn went later to tuck them into bed.

We visited with the dogs as they flopped about in the sun, enjoying the relaxation time. Apologies, I missed Nomex! I’ll get him tomorrow.
Barbara caught this cool pic of the dog yard

Returned dog update
Thursday was pretty relaxed for them also. Amber and Driver enjoyed the outdoors while Commando had claimed the blanket inside!
I’m so glad everyone can now relax, recoup and enjoy the activities in Nome. The dog lot photo is very cool. I would not have pictured it being right on the ocean. Thanks for the effort you all put into the postcards and showing your appreciation to your fans. That’s a very special treat to receive in the mail in a couple of weeks. The dogs look great! And way to relax Driver and Amber! Love that picture.
Loved the pics of the dogs! Sleepy dogs with that look–Even Sweet Violet! Will look forward to the
video on Iditarod web site. Sleep well doggies! Love to ya all.
Oh, Amber and Driver look content but Commando is the new couch dog! Mismo move over!
WOOF WOOF WOOF Great post!!!
– Can’t wait to catch the Insider Interview!!!
– Wonderful doggies and pix!!!
Although we won’t be getting a postcard from Nome this year, it is really special if your dog made it – WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!
I dont think I will ever get use to seeing pictures of open water and icebergs in Nome at the finish! LOVE the sleepy dog pics….enjoy the coffee and the hospitality of Nome!
CONGRATS to ALIY and all her wonderful teammates. Yes weird to see the icebergs. We were at the finish in 2017 and it was VERY different! I want to comment on the pics from the insider..Jeff got some EXCELLENT pics of the team coming in. I particularly like the one of MISMO with his ears straight up so proud as he was seeing all the spectators welcoming you all in. LOVED FOLLOWING this race as always… but this year was particularly fun! You are all awesome
Great pictures!
The uncut Insider videos are great. Aliy, as always, did a great heartfelt interview. I agree with Linda T, I feel good about the top finishers of 2019. Aliy’s in great company at the TOP.
Repeating myself, I am so incredibly proud of Aliy and team, especially Violet.