Saturday in Nome during Iditarod week means “Meet the Mushers”. It is always one of the most popular events on the calendar with thousands of people showing up to get a signature, selfie and handshake from their favourite mushers.

Here’s a few snaps from today.

The dogs are now home at the kennel! Bridgett and Karolyn drove them up from Anchorage today and the dogs are back at their houses, sharing stories with their friends and neighbours that didn’t make the trip.

Dutch has a scenic pee


4 Responses

  • Wonderful news Moira.
    Thank you Karolyn and Bridgett for getting SPK’s four legged crew home.
    I hope Aliy enjoyed being honored by her fans.
    Dutch lol! You deserve that scenic pee. Evidently you were “the one” listening to Aliy when she was making her way to Iditarod.
    I could see Dutch on next years team.
    🙂 <3

  • I am so happy the doggies are safely home.
    Great pics from the Meet the Mushers!
    And Dutch having a scenic pee – classic – I love it.
    Thank you to everyone at SPK for sharing your lives and letting us follow along.

  • Thanks to Bridgett and Karolyn for taking good care of the SPK Dogs on their journey
    home. Can park Hollywood for now huh? We fans have had a wonderful trip on this
    Iditarod and Thanks to Moira and crew for keeping us informed! I can’t help but think
    of all the dogs left at home and the future–Thanks Allen & Aliy!!!!

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