I sat down with Allen and he talked about his superstar team of Commando, Dutch, Nomex, Chipper, Spark, Amber, Clyde, Junior, Rodney, Champ, Bruno, Felix, Violet and Iron.
Illustrated by the wonderful pics by the photographers of the YQ Visual Content Team – Julien, Whitney, Seth and Meghan.
Spark – Spark finished in lead because he was always wanting to go the whole race. I am always looking for dogs who want to go when it gets hard and at the end of the race it definitely gets harder. He was peppy and willing to go and he did fantastic!

Nomex /”Big-headed dog” – If I were to have won the race he would have been a Golden Harness dog. We were going slow for quite a while until I saw how hard he was pulling. I put him in lead and we sped up significantly with him in the lead. He’s one of the toughest-headed dogs (and biggest-headed) in the yard so when things get tough we will definitely have him in lead.

Commando – Golden Harness winner last year. He’s one of our top dogs in the yard. He’s a cheerleader and a go-getter. I always like him being up there because he can normally set a faster pace. He’s probably one of my favourite dogs.

Dutch – Dutch and Commando are very similar. He is also a Golden Harness winner from last year. I had him in lead for 75% of the race but finally ended up changing him out because they get a little tired of making decisions all the time. Dutch is one of our elite, one of the best dogs in the yard and any dog team would be proud to have him.

Junior – Junior is like a bottle-rocket sometimes in that she goes out way too hard to start and set the fastest pace – she puts a lot into it early. Thats the good news. The bad news is she can’t sustain that all race so doesn’t pull as hard towards the end. She was still always pulling, just not as fast so I just moved her back a little.

Amber – Amber was the little surprise for me even though I knew she was a good dog. She was always jumping and ready to go. She was one of the most steady for the whole race, she puts her head low to the ground and is always pulling and going. Unlike others who go too hard early, she was consistently there throughout the whole race.

Chipper – “the biggest little dog you will ever see”. She thinks she’s the biggest dog in the Quest so I had her in lead often because she has such a big ego. She seems to never get injured so it’s great to have her up close to the front because she is the cheerleader of the team.

Clyde – one of our older dogs at seven years old. He’s been a mainstay for many many years, winning the Quest last year. He has been at the top of his game for eyars and is starting to slow down just a little bit. His advantage is his eating – he can still eat faster than anyone. Because he eats so well is one reason he performs so well. If we could have all dogs eat as well as he we would be a better team.
Iron / Ironman. He was a last minute selection and he did fantastic. He is a great cheerleader! After about 450 miles he started getting soreness on his left rear leg. He made it to Dawson and we chose not to take a risk on the next 150 miles in case I had to carry him. It turns out he would have probably been fine but that’s racing – a gamble of who to and who not to take.

Bruno – Bruno the youngster of the whole bunch at three years old. Bruno definitely surprised me. He too eats better than anyone and was always steady – he’s the future and has a lot of positive points about him. He also has one big negative – he can’t take a poop on the run without disrupting the team. He’ll hit the line so hard he does a flip. But, we all have pluses and minuses.
Champ – I didn’t put Champ in until 300 miles into the race. He was a little skinny in the lead up and had a little soreness on the wrist so he got a couple extra days to get ready. Turns out he was the hardest pulling dog throughout the whole race, even at the end he was always pulling. He didn’t eat as well as others but definitely the strongest pulling dog in the team.

Rodney – the craziest dog in the team. You’ve always gotta laugh at Rodney as he’s always doing something stupid. He’s a big dopey dog who likes to eat like his papa Clyde – that helps him being able to finish. He will always keep you smiling with all the funny stuff he does.

Violet – was wheel dog for the whole race. She is another champ from last year. I run her in wheel because she is good at moving under the line, which they have to with our harness and line system or else they get tangled. She is also really steady and small but super excited to go. She is no trouble, a no nonsense dog.

Felix – Once he joined the team he was in wheel for the rest of the race. He is also starting to get a little older but he did well. More than likely, this was probably his last 1000 mile race at seven years old. He does not quite as much perk as he used to, just like all of us. But he is always doing his half-loping and can keep the team a little faster because of that. Good job Felix.

A great write up and a great team. We really enjoyed following the race and cheering for you, Allen. Those Nacho/Olivia pups are really something else.
I always like the wrap up of the races….we see that little dog on the tracker and always wonder how each one is performing. You got some solid dogs in the yard…..that is for sure! Sounds like big head Nomex got his chance shine in front….what a nice suprise that was to see him in lead! The Fire litter is in their prime now…it has been fun to watch them grow up to be main players on the Team. And Chipper….got to love that dog…so cool to see the little one add so much to the Team! Great performance from them all!
Thank you for the information on all the athletes. All the dogs are wonderful racers and amazing dogs! SP Kennel has the best team!
GOOD DOGGIES! Thank you for the recap. The depth of experience here says a lot. And Aliy could add Five to the next roster – or maybe Scooby – or maybe – ha – there are a number of experienced Iditarod dogs to pick from. Looking forward to hearing about the days ahead. Thank you for the wonderful pics. Nomex looks like he’s got that “is that a treat you have in your hand????” look….. I know that look….my dogs have perfected that look.
Thank you! Love the pics. Such beautiful dogs. It is so much fun to hear about each dogs contribution and quirks.
Great to hear the run down on each dog–Thanks Moira! All in all they did their best. Clyde and Amber surprised
me. Great job team and the pics were fantastic!! Oh, Karolyn that hug of Violet must have been for me/Becky!
Beautiful pictures by the Yukon Quest team. Awesome wrap up. I love hearing about each individual dog’s performance. It sounds like a great team.
I wondered if it was Amber cheering Allen up the summit in the YK video on FB, and it sounds like it was.
When I look at Junior’s picture and hear how she did, I can’t help but remember last Summer. That’s really a remarkable recovery.
It sounds like Bruno and Rodney are doing well. As for Clyde, I would say the same as to Nacho. Hmm, I think you contributed to your own retirement by producing so many talented pups. <3
Thank you SPK team for an amazing experience!
Thank you for the awesome individual dog recap & the wonderful pictures. It is alway a treat to read about each dog & how they contribute to the team . Great job Allen & dogs. Thanks Moira.
Love hearing about the dogs and how they did. Would love to hear about Aily’s dogs in the YQ200too, so I can see if I can predict who’s going to run the Iditarod…
I always enjoy reading about the dogs after a race and reading about Chipper made me laugh. Being sassy has its advantages!
Reading about Felix nearing retirement made me a little sad – Quito x Biscuit’s first litter. Man, how fast time flies. But then I read about little Bruno and think, Yeah! Another good crop of dogs coming up.
And they surely are gorgeous doggies.
Winners all!!!
Thank you Moira!!!