Happy new year to you all.
Just the other day while 12 dogs and myself were going on a 70 mile camp out in the hills I started thinking about the future. And, by golly, it seemed awfully bright to me. The new year is here and the opportunities and possibilities for my self, my dogs, my family, my friends… all of YOU folks… are endless. There is so much we can do and be!
Perhaps my thoughts were incredibly upbeat and positive because of the fantastically brilliant horizon that continually glowed in the distance throughout my day. It had to be telling me something. The sun was in full view throughout the day because we were traveling along a trail that hugs the southern rim of a ridge line. I watched the sunrise at 10:57AM, the incredible midday sun and then the sunset at 2:47PM. To say the horizon was brilliant is an understatement. At times, the pinks, oranges and yellows consumed the entire sky. As hours went by, it was more and more glorious. I hate to admit that it had my complete attention at times and I nearly slipped off the sled runners twice. The horizon was so spectacular that I could not put my camera down. The horizon was no less than SPECTACULAR! By the time I reached camp, just at sunset, the violet glow of the sky even had me taking photos of our ragged arctic oven tent.
Maybe you will see the brightness and brilliancy of the future in this video as well. I hope so. If not, then simply: Enjoy! And sincerely… let’s – ALL OF US – have the best 2019 that we can!
Now that’s a wonderful way to start a year: with a team of beautiful huskies, and a yard more of them back home!! Happy New Year, SP Kennel! Bahamas indeed!
Beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing. Here’s to an awesome 2019!
Wow, fabulous Aliy. Wonderful dog team.
Aliy you are one of the most positive people I have ever known. You inspire me. Have a fabulous 2019!
Thanks for taking us along on this magical ride. I wish all of us a Happy New Year and great 2019!
Good Luck!
I loved that video! That was a gorgeous day to be out dog sledding! The sunset was brilliant!
The future for me is bright with hope. I graduate high school in 2 years and I want to work with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with a degree in wildlife biology after college. Also, I KNOW that I will have my own sled dog kennel and live in Alaska. That is my dream.
I hope everyone has a wonderful 2019!
What a fun ride, thank you for taking us along.
The team looks fantastic.
I agree with the plan, lets make 2019 fantastic!
Majestic and Glorious for sure! Happy New Year to SPK Crew and of course to Aliy and Allen!
Thanks for the ride!
And thanks for showing us the sun (so there is some!!!) – always so much fun to see the amazing Alaska landscape – thanks again ever so much for giving us a peek at it and your wonderful teammates!!!
And here is a graphic inspired by your video of the training run – the amazing 70 mile jaunt into the sun!!!
Happy New Year SPK! Love the video and cheerful post….you folks certainly live in a beautiful place!
Spectacular !! What a way to enjoy life !! HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone at SP Kennel. Best of everything in 2019.
Love it! Thank You! I cannot even imagine how beautiful it must be in person. Nature is therapeutic and uplifting. Love watching those awesome athletes pulling the sled too. Happy New Year everyone!
It’s occurred to me, I need to learn what Decaf’s butt looks like now that the videos are rolling again! HA Mush on
I was talking via BlueTooth with my husband Gary, who was returning from sunny Colorado and 50F to -36F. He was not enthused, but I was driving to North Pole for training, watching the sky. I reminded him of how truly beautiful it can be this time of year. The softness of the pink melding into violet with the wonderful subarctic blue sky and a golden globe emerging to the south east. I agree – there is truly nothing else like it.