Allen drew bib 11 this evening so he and the Black Team will leave the start chute at Gakona at 10:20am local time.

Allen will be pleased with a relatively low bib number as it means they can get on the trail early and get to have a longer rest when they make up their “time differential”. The time differential is the extra time teams take during their mandatory six-hour break to even the playing field after the staggered start i.e. the last team to leave the start line has a time differential of zero, second-last has to stay an extra two minutes, third-last takes four minutes and so on, and so on.
Teams must take at least 18 hours plus differential spread over all checkpoints – they can decide where and when to take their rest but it must be in half hour increments with one stop being six hours long (plus differential). Different mushers employ vastly different strategies for their rest breaks depending on their team and conditions. For this reason it is very difficult to know who is actually in the lead of the race as mushers that take less rest at the start have to make up that rest at the end. I will explain more about that as we go along…
Here are a few pics from earlier in the day as the dogs had a potty break and waited for their vet checks

While waiting for her vet exam, talkative Junior had something to say!
This evening the dogs will get a hearty meal, a final stretch of the legs, have an all over body massage and “pink ointment” applied to their feet. It is essential for a racing dog to have their feet in tip-top conditions, free of any splits or abrasions that might cause them any discomfort and so we use a medicated foot salve to pre-treat their feet before a race. It is the same salve Allen will use at the checkpoints to keep them soothed during the race.
After a late night pee break and hopefully a good and restful sleep the handler squad will be up early to give them a light, hydrating meal and start their final preparations before the drive back up the road to Gakona for the start.
Nice Bib number! Allen got the luck of the draw for sure! Dogs look and sound great! Smiles all the way around with the SPK Crew!
Yeah number 11. Good pull Allen. Junior says let’s get this show on the road.
Go Black Team!!!
Eleven is a great number!!! Actually, it is the number in the original FIRE LITTER, five of whom are on this team!!!
WOOF WOOF WOOF and thanks for the reasoning re: why low is good to pick in the Copper Basin, especially.
A quick graphic of leader Junior…
Go Allen and the Black Team! You will do amazing in the race! Junior is probably saying that she is ready for the race to begin!
Amber and Violet made a great twins pic. <3
Right here I'm calling hats off to Junior. I don't remember running a 300 mile race within such a short time after my C-section. Well, I've never ran a 300 mile race. Whoop whoop Junior you're a Wonder-mom just like your momma Olivia.