The SPK dogs are waiting for Santa.
Lydia and Scout made a deal with the rest of the dogs that they would stay up all night waiting for the fat, jolly red man to appear. Aliy made a last minute check on Gravy at 11PM and while wearing her large red race parka, they almost jumped the gun and howled “SANTA!” But… no he’s not here yet.
Driver and QT are on the official NORAD Santa Tracker website and they see him still in Nebraska. QT likes her Apple MacBook Pro, whereas Driver is a Windows laptop geek (who would have guessed?) Right now they are keeping Allen awake playing Free Cell (thanks to Doug for that game being introduced to SPK!)
Cloud and Peach, who are both feeling quite domestic, broke out of the Heat Pen and hung all the dogs’ stockings (we call them booties here) up for treats. They are hung in the garage (which clearly does NOT make the garage smell like cinnamon and spice). But they are ready to be filled and hopefully Jolly St. Nick will not be intimidated by some of the brown stained, somewhat smelly footwear. Hint, hint: dog treats, biscuits and chew bones of any sort are appreciated! Cloud and Peach got into no other “trouble” while they were out and about.
Opps… Scout just claimed to be a tired, grouchy, scrooge – yea, like no one knew that already – and left Lydia alone to watch for Santa. Scout said he needed his beauty rest. Lydia is on her own. How can Santa resist that face? Not a chance!
You must admit that Jeanne Schnackenberg is the absolute best photographer. We can not thank her enough for all the time and effort she puts into taking fantastic and fun photos of SPK dogs. And these are REAL photos. Not photoshop! Here is the kennel garage with Jeanne in action. The only hiccup was that Lydia and Scout required Yummy Chummies in their dressing rooms for rehearsal. PICKY! And without Karolyn and Wendy to help out, there would have been about 10% of the Christmas cheer.
Merry Christmas Lydia, Scout, and everyone at SPK! I love the picture of the dogs waiting for Santa!
Have a Very Merry Christmas!
Celebrating in style today!!!
Thanks so much for your extra effort!!! Lydia especially!!!
Merry Christmas to all the pups and peeps at SPK, with a special hug for Driver
Merry Christmas SPK and fellow Dog Loggers! Lydia and Scout are such good sports….great job again Jeanne!
Just too cute!! Thanks to Jeanne, Lydia, Scout and SPK for the delightful story! Makes Christmas
for me. Hope all the dogs got a treat from Santa even if it was late. Evidently Scout slept through
it–guess you can do that when you are retired!
Cute, cute, cute. Love the QT/Driver paragraph. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to everyone.
And I forgot to say…..fantastic photos Jeanne!
These pictures are adorable! Lydia and Scout-you did above and beyond duty. Merry Christmas to all
at SPK!
LOL cute!
Adorable Lydia and Scout.
Thank you Jeanne Schnackenberg and Aliy.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Precious pix! Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2019 to all the SPK crew.