We have been a bit tardy in mailing our Team Memberships and Dog Sponsorship parcels this season. We should claim that we are “too busy”… like the rest of the world. But, why claim that when we have a clear culprit to which we can point the finger? We blame: the weather and lack of SNOW!

Although we do have snow… we do not have lots of the puffy white stuff. It is actually not puffy at all. It has been driven over, ran upon and overused for the better part of a month. So when it snowed 2 inches this week, needless to say: WE WERE ECSTATIC! Not only did that mean that we could take dog teams out with sleds (which is the very heart and soul of dog mushing), but also meant that we could pack up a sled with all the Team Memberships and Dog Sponsorship parcels and finally drop them off at Trailside Mail located next to Pleasant Valley Store. 


Anyhow – if any of you were wondering why your parcels were so late… blame it on Mother Nature. HA!

9 Responses

  • Hey Santa Aily! What a fun way to get the task done! We will all have eagle eyes on the mail now…thanks for the heads up!

    Sorry about the lack of snow…been watching the weather for you all and darn it Mother Nature! We will do a snow dance for you to see if that helps!

  • Wow!
    Sorry, I’m so distracted,
    the yard look fabulous from your window!
    and Scoutie winked at us. 😉

    Thank you for the ride along Aliy! <3
    Great job making sure everything arrived Patty and team.
    <3 🙂

  • Got Chena’s package yesterday in Weston, CT.

    This was the best Xmas present we ever got…from anybody!!! You are so caring and wonderful.

    Chena’s “Queen extending her paw for a ceremonial kiss” is on the frig and such a wonderful letter. WOOF WOOF WOOF

    Thanks ever so much for letting is come along for the ride!!!

  • Thanks Santa Aily, I was thinking TINDER forgot us here in New Mexico! We even had about an inch of snow last night. The dogs here at the casa have had fun romping in it. It is melting very fast, will be gone by Monday!!
    Hope you have lots & lots of snow from now on.
    Will be looking for the package.
    What about Izzy’s puppies? Which ones did you keep?
    Thanks so much Tinder, Aily, & Allen

  • That sounds fun to mush to the Post Office! What an exciting way to mail packages; there couldn’t be a better way to travel! Thanks for the video, I enjoyed watching it!

  • How fun is that! You are awesome! I want to take a ride to the post office just like that! Cool horse drawn sleigh too! I got my package today. My husband walked in with the mail and said “you’ve got something from Sanka” LOL! Of course I stopped everything to open it up. So much fun! Praying for more snow for y’all. Merry Christmas everyone!

  • What a great way to travel to the post office. And I would’ve done the touristy slam on the brakes to see you too!

  • Hey wait a minute!…… Can you deliver the mail to my house? USPS has these big square ugly trucks….What fun is that? Looks awesome!!!!!!!!! Thankx for sharing.

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