3:30PM (AK Time) we are now unplugged. We will work out some more kinks and do it again soon.
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3:30PM (AK Time) we are now unplugged. We will work out some more kinks and do it again soon.
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OMG Take 3 – the pups are BIG
Junior popped awake when you said “biscuit”
Oh Junior, you’re such a good mommy!
Thank you all for giving us this!
This is awesome!! I remember being a tired new mom…and I only had one baby to care for! Hang in there pretty Junior!
Thank you for the Live Puppy Cam!!! I enjoyed watching Junior and the puppies!
Junior is a great mother to all those puppies! Thanks again for this!
You are so kind to share the puppies with us! I am excited to watch them grow and try to figure out who will be joining the Red and Black teams in a few years!
That was fun! They certainly wiggle around a lot….and Junior is a great mama! The howls were a nice touch too!
Awesome! Looking forward to more, puppies are irresistible. Thank you SP and guru for allowing us into your world.
The Feed IS fuzzy but I can definitely make out a Lead Dog-Heir Apparent and Wheel Dog- Heir Apparent amongst the litter!!
Thanks for setting up live cam. Great to be able to watch from UK.