Looking south from the upper porch at SP Kennel was absolutely gorgeous the other night. It was 10:30 at night and the sunset was spectacular. The sun doesn’t set much in interior Alaska during the summer months, so witnessing this dazzling display of brilliant colors as the sun moves below the horizon was special. It is truly a sign of the change of seasons.
The dogs (and humans) at SPK always enjoy a good howl. So… why not?
Love this! All the little heads peeking out of their houses to howl! At the sun? Ha
Adorable, I agree.
Yes – what a wonderful orchestra you have – they were precisely on pitch and perfectly coordinated!!!
Music to my ears – and maybe they have a sense that training season is not so far away???
Thanks ever so much for sharing this. SP Kennel is the best!!!
ALWAYS love the SPK Howl!!! Gorgeous night and beautiful voices of the night!
Beautiful! Love it!

Rowan even sang along.
Love the group howl! Great scenery also!
Closest thing to heaven on earth! Absolutely beautiful. Go TEAMs…