Aliy took several short videos during her nine days on the Iditarod trail. There are about 20 in the series, many are quite short but we thought you would enjoy them over the next few weeks.
In this first video Aliy shows us her camping spot just before Rainy Pass.
So good to hear from you. I was just thinking about all things SPK last night. Hope all is well! Cheers!
What a gorgeous camping spot!
Thank you so much for this and the coming ones – landscape awesome. Can’t tell you how grateful I am, in anticipation. And I am sure others are too.
Thank you for sharing the video! Alaska is definitely a beautiful place to be! I love the mountainous scenery of the Alaska Range. That was an amazing place for a camping spot!
So beautiful! And the dogs are the most beautiful part! Thank you, Aliy!
Cliche – thanks I needed that! The care and love of the dogs is evident without a doubt. As always, the dogs, Aliy, and black spruce are a refreshing breath of fresh air! Looking forward to future posts
Now that is room with a view!!! Nice to see they all rest so soundly….what a great camping spot!
Oh that is so cool. It is so peaceful. Thank you for sharing that little video. I felt more relaxed after watching it. No lunging, running dogs…everyone quiet and resting… even Aliy is sounding subdued. (and then I worry…she’s already suffering from sleep deprivation and she’s not even through Rainy Pass! ARGH!!!) Sigh. We can meditate on that, though, the whole scene – it’s so mindful! Thanks. I can’t help but think “it’s the calm before the storm” as far as Rainy Pass goes…but you’ve been through it so many times that it must not be quite as terrifying as it was years ago? I hope not.
I love seeing the dogs resting.
This is what it’s all about. The ebb and flow of coaching a dog team over a 1,000 mile race. Incredible. SPK does it right, dogs first. It shows in everything you do. Your races and then of course your daily lives. Thank you for taking suck good care of the 2-leggeds and 4-leggeds that depend on you. That’s why we are such blatant/unashamed fans.
What a wonderful camping spot. The dog resting so well in the sun. Thanks for the video!
Love it! Beautiful dogs. Beautiful scenery.