It’s 10.30pm Tuesday evening
The latest news about Allen is that he IS okay. He has seen a doctor in Unalakleet and will spend the night there then will be making his way to Nome tomorrow via airplane
The dogs are spending the night in Kaltag and are being well cared for by the volunteers there. We are still awaiting confirmation about whether they will be flown forward to Nome or back to Anchorage but that won’t be till tomorrow at the earliest.
Allen’s rookie dogs don’t know that they haven’t completed the race and that Kaltag wasn’t the finish line so they are all winners! None of the experiences these dogs have gone through will be wasted. They will have the experience of 700 challenging miles of Iditarod trail, varying weather conditions and an airplane ride or two under their harness, and this will only benefit them in the years to come.
Aliy was informed of the situation and will continue on the trail to meet Allen in Nome. With the weather as it is it might be quicker by dog sled than airplane! She rested her team four hours in Elim before starting out for White Mountain. You can be sure she will be whistling up the team and ski-poling like crazy to get here as fast as she can.
Bridgett has spoken to Allen and although he’s disappointed he couldn’t get his dogs to Nome he knows it was the right decision.
Here are a few pics of Aliy speaking with some fans and signing autographs in Elim earlier this afternoon.
In the meantime we are going to go down to the Burled Arch and see the new Iditarod Champion arrive!
Those are awesome pictures of Aliy in Elim with some beautiful fans.
I’m happy Allen saw a doctor. I hope he can beat Aliy to Nome. It would be wonderful for him to meet her when she arrives at the finish. I don’t think that has happened since Ryne ran the puppy team for SPK. No regrets SPK just love and hugs for everyone in Nome.
Prayers for all the Black team members to return to their SPK family soon, safe and healthy.

I don’t think it’s premature to wish Joar a hearty congratulations. If not Aliy, then Joar. He has done a great job with his dogs. I’m excited to see what SPK’s Kosak x Quito pups will be able to do when they come of age. Heck, did Q.T., Bruno, and that big boy McCaw just make it about 650 miles on the Iditarod trail? Exciting!
Whooop whooop
Go Red team, looking good, on the way to White Mountain.
It will be a happy reunion when all members of the SPK team arrive in Nome. Feel better, Allen!
Becky ditto’s! Aliy had such a smile on her face at Elim. Friends from the summer when she was
there. Great news that Allen has seen a doctor as this year has been brutal for the bug. Just know
us fans are wishing you the best get well wishes ever. The dogs are winners for sure. Perky, be a
good boy now and listen to Willie and Schmoe.
Aliy, I see you are moving into White Mtn. Go Girl!! Will be so extremely happy if Violet makes it
to Nome==Cheers to Becky also! Go SPK! Thanks to the crew for the wonderful updates-you
are the BEST!
Ditto what Becky said – especially her thoughts about looking ahead with the Golden Harness litter. I don’t recall so many two year olds being considered for this trip before – they surely are showing their mettle early.
The photos in Elim are happy. I can imagine Aliy’s pleasure at seeing some of the village youth she worked with over the summer. Let’s hope the positive impact she had on that trip will continue to encourage villagers in creating the lives they want.
I would guess, despite needing to get to Unalakleet to see a doctor, leaving his entire team in Kaltag must have been rough on Allen. But, thank you for taking time to remind us that people really do their best to care for the dogs when not on the trail with their musher.
And, I am excited about seeing Joar come in and thinking about that nice 8 hour break for Aliy and the team before the last leg into Nome. I keep trying to go to sleep, but find myself up looking at the tracker, just for the sheer pleasure of seeing her and her traveling companions make tracks into White Mountain.
Echoing all the sentiments already posted. Speedy well wishes to Allen and kudos for a race well run to all the Black Team. Moira and the crew…thank you for all you have done to keep us informed and entertained. SPK rocks because of you!
Wonderful pix of Red Team Leader being…Aliy!!!
Ditto on what everyone has said and congrats to Joar!!!
May Allen get better and make it to Nome and maybe the 4-leggeds too!!!
I can’t wait for Aliy and her teammates to arrive in Nome! They have done AMAZING!!
I have been cheering for Aliy from North Carolina! Go RED TEAM!
Thank you so much for the updates. Please make sure Allen knows about all of the well wishes he is getting from us all. Also, let us know if there will be any help needed if the team is sent here in Anchorage.
Glad that Allen did not push it. Hope he makes a speedy recovery.