It’s 3:15am Tuesday morning.


We are very pleased and relieved to see the Red Team, and all those teams around them, pulling into Koyuk. The speeds the teams were travelling told us that it was pretty hard going out there. It was great to see them in a bunch travelling together; whether by plan or accident, it sure makes those of us watching feel better.

We expect after a challenging nine hour run like that, they will rest a while, perhaps five or six hours, before heading for Elim. They are within 170 miles of the finish line now with just a few more runs before our “party in Nome”.


Allen and his team are moving again after resting six hours at Eagle Island Hospitality Stop. Currently they are 35 miles from Kaltag. They still have around 400 miles to travel to Nome but with Allen feeling much better and the dogs with so much rest under their harness we are hoping they can cover that distance in double quick time.


Linda has readied her back yard for the three from Unk. Commando was checking out the outside house and Cayenne was fluffing up the straw beds.

They will rotate between the kennel inside, the outside dog house, the straw beds and the truck depending on how they are feeling. They will also get lots of walks along the Coastal Trail and Scooby might even get to see his Mom Chica again!

We’ll let you know once the plane from Unk arrives and Linda has Junior, Scooby and Champ. They should hopefully arrive sometime on Tuesday.


7 Responses

  • Thanks Moira for the update. Was glad to see Aliy arrive in Koyuk. The Red Team is really doing a great job with all that Mother Nature is throwing at them this year. Glad Allen is feeling better. The Black Team seems eager to be on the trail again. Their travel speeds are moving along. SPK is an awesome kennel. Thanks to Linda for providing the kennel away from home.

  • Hope Champ is feeling better. Nice is Scooby would see Chica! Watching the tracker and
    nice to see Aliy into Koyuk. Relief! Insider is just amazing with the videos. Will be glad
    when Allen gets through there also. Go SPK!

  • Thanks for all the updates. I’m glad all teams are safe. Go Aliy and Allen! Run to Nome! You’re doing great!

  • Allen did stop between Eagle Island and Kaltag. I continue to hope that the team just needed more rest since it is roughly half way between the check points.

  • Allen and the Black team should be able to get a nice rest at Kaltag. There will likely be five or less teams during their stay. Kind of an unusual treat for Allen during Iditarod.

    It looks like Aliy’s Red team is staying right with her pack en route to Elim. Good work Red team. I’m proud of all of you.

    I hope Scooby gets to see Chica and tell her all about his great Iditarod adventure. She can tell him about all the excitement in 2013, the last time the race went this route. Wow! What a story she has to tell. She could even tell him about how she overcame during a previous Iditarod. There is no doubt Chica is a fighter, and her pups take after her.

  • Nice to see the “Returned” Dogs so well care for….thank you Linda! Hope Scooby gets to see Moma Chica…that would be a nice treat for them both!

    Cool to be reminded of Elim in the summer…..we typically just think of these places during Iditarod! What a different place it is along the coast….very cool!

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