This morning at 8.30am we said farewell to Allen and his 14-strong team as they headed out of Dawson towards Pelly Crossing, 210 miles away.

The morning started with an early wake-up call. Jeff, who was stationed at camp overnight, Aliy and Bridgett started preparing the team. They ate voraciously and were frisky and playing with each other (the dogs, I mean). Each dog was taken for a warm up jog to get muscles working and to get the blood pumping, received by a liniment rub and ointment on their feet. Over the next couple of hours the crew took care and attention to dress each dog appropriately in T-shirts, harnesses, insulated jackets, wind coats, foxtails, leggings and, finally, booties.

Back at the hotel Allen gathered his personal gear. He had to ensure he had everything he needs for the trek ahead. He checked and double checked he had all his layers, gloves, mitts, hats, neck gators, boots and spares of everything in case of overflow. Getting wet at these temperatures is extremely dangerous so a change of clothes is a must, even thought the trail report said there were no wet spots currently.

While he was getting ready Bridgett asked Allen what he is expecting for the next leg:

Dawson To Pelly
Audio Player

Allen then got over to camp where he spent a couple of hours meticulously packing his sled. With 210 miles ahead of them and no resupply points along the way he had to ensure he had enough kibble, snacks, booties, dog gear and personal food to get him and the team there safely, with some contingency for changes of plan.

Nomex, Chena and Junior wait
Allen packs his sled with supplies

Finally it all came together and they were ready to go. They were absolutely ready to be back on the trail and howled their delight.

He left with Commando and Dutch in lead, Kodiak and Spark in swing, Champ and Clyde, Rodney and Five, Nomex and Driver, Junior and Chena then Felix and Violet in wheel.

We’ve loved having our hands on them for 36 hours but they were more than ready to be gone so we bade them a loving farewell and watched them mush off down the trail. After a social 36 hours Allen is back to being out in the wilderness with his 14 best mates and you can be sure he is loving it! Well, except the cold.

You can see on the map below, the campsite on the intersection of the highway and Bonanza Road. Shout out to the Bonanza Gold Motel and RV Park for hosting us this year! The trail continues down that road for a time. It is gravelled in the summer and in winter is ploughed for the first 11 miles. It won’t be long before they start climbing King Solomon’s Dome to an elevation of 4,002 feet and rise above the tree line.

Our next task is to dismantle camp which we will do after breakfast. Aliy then flies home to complete and submit Iditarod Drop Bags while Bridgett, Jeff and Moira go down the road to Pelly Crossing to await the team there. It’s a long trail to Pelly by dogsled but only about four hours by road, so we will stick round Dawson for a while and enjoy this fun town, inbetween checking the tracker.

14 Responses

  • As usual a stellar report! Thanks! I look forward to following your post for the second half. Go SPK !!!

  • On the trail again with 14 happy healthy 4 legged furry warriors and 1 rested and fed lead Warrior. enjoyed a break from the tracker, but now Gonna watch again untill you all arrive in Whitehorse. “Climb every Mountain” song comes to my mind.. Woop, Woop doggies..

  • Great job! Fun to follow along. Go Allen, Commando, Dutch and the rest of the Black Team. Kudos to the handlers

  • 14 strong dogs leaving Dawson…..that is AWESOME!!! Fingers crossed for continued injury free runnings! Allen seemed pleased to have a full compliment of dogs to help haul the gear for this lonely stretch of trail. How wonderfully lonely though, I can only imagine the views and the feeling Allen will be having during the next couple of hunderd+ miles! Out in the middle of nowhere….just him and his 14 four footed Team Mates….it doesnt get much better than that!

    Go Allen and the Black Team!!!!

  • I always enjoy listening to the audio interviews. Thank you 😊
    I have been following the Black Team along using the GPS tracker and they are doing amazing! GO SPK!

  • All right Black Team…Fair temps and following winds are wished for you all. Be well, enjoy the “road.”
    Go SPK!!!

  • Thanks so much for the interview with Allen. Great prospective of what is to come
    and wish him Happy Trails with his beloved SP dogs! Wish I could see the scenery
    that he does—so peaceful! Go Black!

  • GO ALLEN! GO BLACK TEAM! GO SPK!!!! This is amazing. Simply amazing. 14 healthy and happy dogs left Dawson City and thank you for the interview, Allen and SPK team! I hope they can get up to the summit of King Solomon’s Dome and safely descend to the ‘rest of the story’…. There are so many miles left and so many things can and do go wrong. But the race so far is an incredible testament to SPK and the work they’ve all done. 2 leggeds and 4 leggeds. The work that has gone on every day for years. Taking good care of the dogs and of themselves and working all of their tails off. We are all watching and cheering you all on. Sending you all healthy and happy energy.

  • Thank you for the superb coverage! Beautiful photos and comments by Allen as he was preparing to head out towards Pelly. Best wishes, and safety for the ‘BLACK TEAM’. “On Commando ! On Dutch ! Hold on Allen !!!

  • You are looking great Allen! What a great rest in Dawson. Love the enthusiasm of the dogs howling to goooo!

  • I’m really enjoying the audio interviews this year!
    Thank you Moira, Bridgett and Allen.
    Every year you teach us something new about Dawson. Enjoy your time exploring before you hit the trail again.
    Allen and his team made excellent time climbing King Solomon’s Dome. That is impressive carrying all the supplies for 210 miles!!!
    Don’t loose any toes, fingers, or nose Allen.

  • Great send off to the best team Allen & Black 4-legged teammates. Yes thanks for audio interviews this year, wonderful touch. Enjoy Dawson, it is a fun town. Thanks for outstanding posts, Moira.

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